Chase for target while also potentially raising the dead in the way (like the Doom 2 archvile).
No parameters.
From base/doom/things.edf:
See: VILE AABBCCDDEEFF 2 A_VileChase loop
When a corpse (thing with the CORPSE flag set) is encountered which has a resurrection state, is currently in a frame with a -1 tics value, and is not currently blocked by any other creature, the object will stop beside it and transfer to its healstate (Heal on Decorate) or, if not set, to frame #266 (S_VILE_HEAL in Doom). The object being resurrected will emit the slop sound and will be placed into its first resurrection frame (raisestate or Raise).
The resurrected object's normal height, radius, health, and flags information will be restored. Friendliness of the object performing the resurrection will be transferred to the resurrected object (friendly objects resurrect friends, and vice versa). If no corpses are found to resurrect, control transfers to the Chase codepointer for normal attack and walking logic.
If comp_vile is set in the game configuration or OPTIONS, crushed creatures will not have their height or radius information restored, and will become "ghosts."