DeHackEd / BEX Reference/Sound Table

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This is a current list of the default sounds defined by sounds.edf. The number by each sound is the number that is used in Thing blocks and elsewhere to call for this sound by number (also known as its sound DeHackEd number). Note: Heretic sounds have not been standardized yet and thus are not listed here. You should not attempt to use them until they have been documented.

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 Number Name
 0      None
 1      "pistol"
 2      "shotgn"
 3      "sgcock"
 4      "dshtgn"
 5      "dbopn"
 6      "dbcls"
 7      "dbload"
 8      "plasma"
 9      "bfg"
 10     "sawup"
 11     "sawidl"
 12     "sawful"
 13     "sawhit"
 14     "rlaunc"
 15     "rxplod"
 16     "firsht"
 17     "firxpl"
 18     "pstart"
 19     "pstop"
 20     "doropn"
 21     "dorcls"
 22     "stnmov"
 23     "swtchn"
 24     "swtchx"
 25     "plpain"
 26     "dmpain"
 27     "popain"
 28     "vipain"
 29     "mnpain"
 30     "pepain"
 31     "slop"
 32     "itemup"
 33     "wpnup"
 34     "oof"
 35     "telept"
 36     "posit1"
 37     "posit2"
 38     "posit3"
 39     "bgsit1"
 40     "bgsit2"
 41     "sgtsit"
 42     "cacsit"
 43     "brssit"
 44     "cybsit"
 45     "spisit"
 46     "bspsit"
 47     "kntsit"
 48     "vilsit"
 49     "mansit"
 50     "pesit"
 51     "sklatk"
 52     "sgtatk"
 53     "skepch"
 54     "vilatk"
 55     "claw"
 56     "skeswg"
 57     "pldeth"
 58     "pdiehi"
 59     "podth1"
 60     "podth2"
 61     "podth3"
 62     "bgdth1"
 63     "bgdth2"
 64     "sgtdth"
 65     "cacdth"
 66     "skldth"
 67     "brsdth"
 68     "cybdth"
 69     "spidth"
 70     "bspdth"
 71     "vildth"
 72     "kntdth"
 73     "pedth"
 74     "skedth"
 75     "posact"
 76     "bgact"
 77     "dmact"
 78     "bspact"
 79     "bspwlk"
 80     "vilact"
 81     "noway"
 82     "barexp"
 83     "punch"
 84     "hoof"
 85     "metal"
 86     "chgun"
 87     "tink"
 88     "bdopn"
 89     "bdcls"
 90     "itmbk"
 91     "flame"
 92     "flamst"
 93     "getpow"
 94     "bospit"
 95     "boscub"
 96     "bossit"
 97     "bospn"
 98     "bosdth"
 99     "manatk"
 100    "mandth"
 101    "sssit"
 102    "ssdth"
 103    "keenpn"
 104    "keendt"
 105    "skeact"
 106    "skesit"
 107    "skeatk"
 108    "radio"
 109    "dgsit"
 110    "dgatk"
 111    "dgact"
 112    "dgdth"
 113    "dgpain"