DeHackEd / BEX Reference/BEX String Mnemonics Table: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{backto|DeHackEd / BEX Reference}} ==Note:== If the original initial value is longer than about 40 characters, the string will have been truncated and will have an ellipsis (.....")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:44, 3 March 2012

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If the original initial value is longer than about 40 characters, the string will have been truncated and will have an ellipsis (...) after the closing double-quote. There should be enough in the part that is shown to recognize it. If a string has C language printf() characters in it, such as %s or %d, you should be sure that your replacement string either contains the same ones in the same order, or that you leave them out of your string. If that confuses you, you need to learn C or leave 'em alone <g>. Some trailing linefeeds have been removed for clarity, though \n in the middle of a string indicates an internal linefeed and your replacement can do likewise.


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
D_DEVSTR           What shows during init if -devparm is used
                     "Development mode ON."
D_CDROM            Init: if switch -cdrom is used
                     "CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\\doomdata"
QUITMSG            Default display when you pick Quit
                     "are you sure you want to\nquit this great game?"
LOADNET            Warning when you try to load during a network game
                     "you can't do load while in a net game!"
QLOADNET           Warning when you try quickload during a network game
                     "you can't quickload during a netgame!"
QSAVESPOT          Warning when you quickload without a quicksaved game
                     "you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!"
SAVEDEAD           Warning when not playing or dead and you try to save
                     "you can't save if you aren't playing!"
QSPROMPT           Prompt when quicksaving your game
                     "quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?"
QLPROMPT           Prompt when quickloading a game
                     "do you want to quickload the game named\n\n'%s'?"
NEWGAME            Warning if you try to start a game during network play
                     "you can't start a new game\nwhile in a network"...
NIGHTMARE          Nightmare mode warning
                     "are you sure? this skill level\nisn't even rem"...
SWSTRING           Warning when you pick any episode but 1 in Shareware
                     "this is the shareware version of doom.\n\nyou '...
MSGOFF             Message when toggling messages off (F8)
                     "Messages OFF"
MSGON              Message when toggling messages back on (F8)
                     "Messages ON"
NETEND             Message when you try to Quit during a network game
                     "you can't end a netgame!"
ENDGAME            Warning when you try to end the game
                     "are you sure you want to end the game?"
DETAILHI           Message switching to high detail (obsolete in BOOM)
                     "High detail"
DETAILLO           Message switching to high detail (obsolete in BOOM)
                     "Low detail"
GAMMALVL0          Message when gamma correction is set off
                     "Gamma correction OFF"
GAMMALVL1          Message when gamma correction is set to 1
                     "Gamma correction level 1"
GAMMALVL2          Message when gamma correction is set to 2
                     "Gamma correction level 2"
GAMMALVL3          Message when gamma correction is set to 3
                     "Gamma correction level 3"
GAMMALVL4          Message when gamma correction is set to 4
                     "Gamma correction level 4"
EMPTYSTRING        Value that shows up in an unused savegame slot
                     "empty slot"
GGSAVED            Message after a savegame has been written to disk
                     "game saved."
SAVEGAMENAME       Saved game name, number is appended during save
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
GOTARMOR           Picking up the Green armor (100%)
                     "Picked up the armor."
GOTMEGA            Picking up the Blue armor (200%)
                     "Picked up the MegaArmor!"
GOTHTHBONUS        Picking up a health bottle (1%)
                     "Picked up a health bonus."
GOTARMBONUS        Picking up an armor helmet (1%)
                     "Picked up an armor bonus."
GOTSTIM            Picking up a stimpack (10%)
                     "Picked up a stimpack."
GOTMEDINEED        Picking up a medikit (25%) when very low on health
                     "Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need!"
GOTMEDIKIT         Picking up a medikit (25%) under normal conditions
                     "Picked up a medikit."
GOTSUPER           Picking up the blue health orb (200%)
GOTBLUECARD        Picking up the blue keycard
                     "Picked up a blue keycard."
GOTYELWCARD        Picking up the yellow keycard
                     "Picked up a yellow keycard."
GOTREDCARD         Picking up the red keycard
                     "Picked up a red keycard."
GOTBLUESKUL        Picking up the blue skull key
                     "Picked up a blue skull key."
GOTYELWSKUL        Picking up the yellow skull key
                     "Picked up a yellow skull key."
GOTREDSKULL        Picking up the red skull key
                     "Picked up a red skull key."
GOTINVUL           Picking up the invulnerability sphere
GOTBERSERK         Picking up the berserk box
GOTINVIS           Picking up the invisibility sphere
                     "Partial Invisibility"
GOTSUIT            Picking up the rad suit
                     "Radiation Shielding Suit"
GOTMAP             Picking up the computer map
                     "Computer Area Map"
GOTVISOR           Picking up the light-amp goggles
                     "Light Amplification Visor"
GOTMSPHERE         Picking up the mega orb (200%/200%)
GOTCLIP            Picking up an ammo clip
                     "Picked up a clip."
GOTCLIPBOX         Picking up a box of ammo
                     "Picked up a box of bullets."
GOTROCKET          Picking up a single rocket
                     "Picked up a rocket."
GOTROCKBOX         Picking up a box of rockets
                     "Picked up a box of rockets."
GOTCELL            Picking up an energy cell (20 units)
                     "Picked up an energy cell."
GOTCELLBOX         Picking up an energy pack (100 units)
                     "Picked up an energy cell pack."
GOTSHELLS          Picking up a set of 4 shells
                     "Picked up 4 shotgun shells."
GOTSHELLBOX        Picking up a box of 20 shells
                     "Picked up a box of shotgun shells."
GOTBACKPACK        Picking up a backpack
                     "Picked up a backpack full of ammo!"
GOTBFG9000         Picking up the BFG (weapon 7)
                     "You got the BFG9000!  Oh, yes."
GOTCHAINGUN        Picking up the chaingun (weapon 4)
                     "You got the chaingun!"
GOTCHAINSAW        Picking up the chainsaw (weapon 8)
                     "A chainsaw!  Find some meat!"
GOTLAUNCHER        Picking up the rocket launcher (weapon 5)
                     "You got the rocket launcher!"
GOTPLASMA          Picking up the plasma gun (weapon 6)
                     "You got the plasma gun!"
GOTSHOTGUN         Picking up the shotgun (weapon 3)
                     "You got the shotgun!"
GOTSHOTGUN2        Picking up the double-barreled shotgun (weapon 9)
                     "You got the super shotgun!"
*New to Eternity: These are mnemonics for collectable items in Heretic.

HGOTBLUEKEY       Picking up Heretic blue key
                     "BLUE KEY"
HGOTYELLOWKEY     Picking up Heretic yellow key  
                     "YELLOW KEY"
HGOTGREENKEY      Picking up Heretic green key
                     "GREEN KEY"
HITEMHEALTH       Picking up Crystal Vile item
                     "CRYSTAL VIAL"
HITEMBAGOFHOLDING Picking up Bag of Holding item  
                     "BAG OF HOLDING"
HITEMSHIELD1      Picking up Silver Shield armor
                     "SILVER SHIELD"
HITEMSHIELD2      Picking up Enchanted Shield armor
                     "ENCHANTED SHIELD"
HITEMSUPERMAP     Picking up Map Scroll automap item
                     "MAP SCROLL"
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------      


(*)= BOOM extensions

MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
PD_BLUEO           When you don't have the blue key for a switch
                     "You need a blue key to activate this object"
PD_REDO            When you don't have the red key for a switch
                     "You need a red key to activate this object"
PD_YELLOWO         When you don't have the yellow key for a switch
                     "You need a yellow key to activate this object"
PD_BLUEK           Blue key needed to open a door
                     "You need a blue key to open this door"
PD_REDK            Red key needed to open a door
                     "You need a red key to open this door"
PD_YELLOWK         Yellow key needed to open a door
                     "You need a yellow key to open this door"
PD_BLUEC           Blue card key needed, not skull (*)
                     "You need a blue card to open this door"
PD_REDC            Red card key needed, not skull (*)
                     "You need a red card to open this door"
PD_YELLOWC         Yellow card key needed, not skull (*)
                     "You need a yellow card to open this door"
PD_BLUES           Blue skull key needed, not card (*)
                     "You need a blue skull to open this door"
PD_REDS            Red skull key needed, not card (*)
                     "You need a red skull to open this door"
PD_YELLOWS         Yellow skull key needed, not card (*)
                     "You need a yellow skull to open this door"
PD_ANY             You need a key but any of them will do (*)
                     "Any key will open this door"
PD_ALL3            You need red, blue and yellow keys (*)
                     "You need all three keys to open this door"
PD_ALL6            You need both skulls and cards in all 3 colors (*)
                     "You need all six keys to open this door"
* New to Eternity: These are used by locked doors instead of some of the above when in Heretic 

HPD_GREENO        Replaces PD_REDO in Heretic mode
                     "You need a green key to activate this object"
HPD_GREENK        Replaces PD_RED(K/C/S) in Heretic mode
                     "You need a green key to open this door"
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
HUSTR_MSGU         If you try to send a blank message?
                     "[Message unsent]"
HUSTR_MESSAGESENT  After you send a message?  Haven't seen it
                     "[Message Sent]"

* Chat macros 1-10
* Original values in quotes

HUSTR_CHATMACRO1     "I'm ready to kick butt!"
HUSTR_CHATMACRO3     "I'm not looking too good!"
HUSTR_CHATMACRO5     "You suck!"
HUSTR_CHATMACRO6     "Next time, scumbag..."
HUSTR_CHATMACRO7     "Come here!"
HUSTR_CHATMACRO8     "I'll take care of it."

* What shows up when you message yourself, depending
* on how many times you've done it during the game

HUSTR_TALKTOSELF1    "You mumble to yourself"
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF2    "Who's there?"
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF3    "You scare yourself"
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF4    "You start to rave"
HUSTR_TALKTOSELF5    "You've lost it..."

* Prefixes for the multiplayer messages when displayed

HUSTR_PLRGREEN       "Green: "
HUSTR_PLRINDIGO      "Indigo: "
HUSTR_PLRBROWN       "Brown: "
HUSTR_PLRRED         "Red: "
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

* For DOOM - These names are made up of HUSTR_ and 
* ExMx for the episode and map numbers.  Original
* names are shown in quotes.  Episode 4 entries are
* for Ultimate DOOM only.  
* Blank lines separate sky change groupings

HUSTR_E1M1           "E1M1: Hangar"
HUSTR_E1M2           "E1M2: Nuclear Plant"
HUSTR_E1M3           "E1M3: Toxin Refinery"
HUSTR_E1M4           "E1M4: Command Control"
HUSTR_E1M5           "E1M5: Phobos Lab"
HUSTR_E1M6           "E1M6: Central Processing"
HUSTR_E1M7           "E1M7: Computer Station"
HUSTR_E1M8           "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly"
HUSTR_E1M9           "E1M9: Military Base"

HUSTR_E2M1           "E2M1: Deimos Anomaly"
HUSTR_E2M2           "E2M2: Containment Area"
HUSTR_E2M3           "E2M3: Refinery"
HUSTR_E2M4           "E2M5: Command Center"
HUSTR_E2M6           "E2M6: Halls of the Damned"
HUSTR_E2M7           "E2M7: Spawning Vats"
HUSTR_E2M8           "E2M8: Tower of Babel"
HUSTR_E2M9           "E2M9: Fortress of Mystery"

HUSTR_E3M1           "E3M1: Hell Keep"
HUSTR_E3M2           "E3M2: Slough of Despair"
HUSTR_E3M3           "E3M3: Pandemonium"
HUSTR_E3M4           "E3M4: House of Pain"
HUSTR_E3M5           "E3M5: Unholy Cathedral"
HUSTR_E3M6           "E3M6: Mt. Erebus"
HUSTR_E3M7           "E3M7: Limbo"
HUSTR_E3M8           "E3M8: Dis"
HUSTR_E3M9           "E3M9: Warrens"

HUSTR_E4M1           "E4M1: Hell Beneath"
HUSTR_E4M2           "E4M2: Perfect Hatred"
HUSTR_E4M3           "E4M3: Sever The Wicked"
HUSTR_E4M4           "E4M4: Unruly Evil"
HUSTR_E4M5           "E4M5: They Will Repent"
HUSTR_E4M6           "E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly"
HUSTR_E4M7           "E4M7: And Hell Followed"
HUSTR_E4M8           "E4M8: Unto The Cruel"
HUSTR_E4M9           "E4M9: Fear"

* For DOOM2 - These names are made up of HUSTR_ and 
* a number for the map number.  Original names are shown in quotes.
* Blank lines separate sky change groupings

HUSTR_1              "level 1: entryway"
HUSTR_2              "level 2: underhalls"
HUSTR_3              "level 3: the gantlet"
HUSTR_4              "level 4: the focus"
HUSTR_5              "level 5: the waste tunnels"
HUSTR_6              "level 6: the crusher"
HUSTR_7              "level 7: dead simple"
HUSTR_8              "level 8: tricks and traps"
HUSTR_9              "level 9: the pit"
HUSTR_10             "level 10: refueling base"
HUSTR_11             "level 11: 'o' of destruction!" 

HUSTR_12             "level 12: the factory"
HUSTR_13             "level 13: downtown"
HUSTR_14             "level 14: the inmost dens"
HUSTR_15             "level 15: industrial zone"
HUSTR_16             "level 16: suburbs"
HUSTR_17             "level 17: tenements"
HUSTR_18             "level 18: the courtyard"
HUSTR_19             "level 19: the citadel"
HUSTR_20             "level 20: gotcha!"

HUSTR_21             "level 21: nirvana"
HUSTR_22             "level 22: the catacombs"
HUSTR_23             "level 23: barrels o' fun"
HUSTR_24             "level 24: the chasm"
HUSTR_25             "level 25: bloodfalls"
HUSTR_26             "level 26: the abandoned mines"
HUSTR_27             "level 27: monster condo"
HUSTR_28             "level 28: the spirit world"
HUSTR_29             "level 29: the living end"
HUSTR_30             "level 30: icon of sin"

HUSTR_31             "level 31: wolfenstein"
HUSTR_32             "level 32: grosse"

* For PLUTONIA - These names are made up of PHUSTR_ and 
* a number for the map number.  Original names are shown in quotes.
* Blank lines separate sky change groupings

PHUSTR_1             "level 1: congo"
PHUSTR_2             "level 2: well of souls"
PHUSTR_3             "level 3: aztec"
PHUSTR_4             "level 4: caged"
PHUSTR_5             "level 5: ghost town"
PHUSTR_6             "level 6: baron's lair"
PHUSTR_7             "level 7: caughtyard"
PHUSTR_8             "level 8: realm"
PHUSTR_9             "level 9: abattoire"
PHUSTR_10            "level 10: onslaught"
PHUSTR_11            "level 11: hunted"

PHUSTR_12            "level 12: speed"
PHUSTR_13            "level 13: the crypt"
PHUSTR_14            "level 14: genesis"
PHUSTR_15            "level 15: the twilight"
PHUSTR_16            "level 16: the omen"
PHUSTR_17            "level 17: compound"
PHUSTR_18            "level 18: neurosphere"
PHUSTR_19            "level 19: nme"
PHUSTR_20            "level 20: the death domain"

PHUSTR_21            "level 21: slayer"
PHUSTR_22            "level 22: impossible mission"
PHUSTR_23            "level 23: tombstone"
PHUSTR_24            "level 24: the final frontier"
PHUSTR_25            "level 25: the temple of darkness"
PHUSTR_26            "level 26: bunker"
PHUSTR_27            "level 27: anti-christ"
PHUSTR_28            "level 28: the sewers"
PHUSTR_29            "level 29: odyssey of noises"
PHUSTR_30            "level 30: the gateway of hell"

PHUSTR_31            "level 31: cyberden"
PHUSTR_32            "level 32: go 2 it"

* For TNT:Evilution - These names are made up of THUSTR_ and 
* a number for the map number.  Original names are shown in quotes.
* Blank lines separate sky change groupings

THUSTR_1             "level 1: system control"
THUSTR_2             "level 2: human bbq"
THUSTR_3             "level 3: power control"
THUSTR_4             "level 4: wormhole"
THUSTR_5             "level 5: hanger"
THUSTR_6             "level 6: open season"
THUSTR_7             "level 7: prison"
THUSTR_8             "level 8: metal"
THUSTR_9             "level 9: stronghold"
THUSTR_10            "level 10: redemption"
THUSTR_11            "level 11: storage facility"

THUSTR_12            "level 12: crater"
THUSTR_13            "level 13: nukage processing"
THUSTR_14            "level 14: steel works"
THUSTR_15            "level 15: dead zone"
THUSTR_16            "level 16: deepest reaches"
THUSTR_17            "level 17: processing area"
THUSTR_18            "level 18: mill"
THUSTR_19            "level 19: shipping/respawning"
THUSTR_20            "level 20: central processing"

THUSTR_21            "level 21: administration center"
THUSTR_22            "level 22: habitat"
THUSTR_23            "level 23: lunar mining project"
THUSTR_24            "level 24: quarry"
THUSTR_25            "level 25: baron's den"
THUSTR_26            "level 26: ballistyx"
THUSTR_27            "level 27: mount pain"
THUSTR_28            "level 28: heck"
THUSTR_29            "level 29: river styx"
THUSTR_30            "level 30: last call"

THUSTR_31            "level 31: pharaoh"
THUSTR_32            "level 32: caribbean" 

* New to Eternity:
* For Heretic - These names are made up of HHUSTR_ and ExMx for the episode 
* and map numbers.  Original names are shown in quotes.  Episode 4 and 5 entries 
* are for the extended Shadow of the Serpent Riders version of Heretic. Note these 
* are also used by the Heretic intermission code.
* Blank lines separate sky change groupings

HHUSTR_E1M1          "E1M1:  THE DOCKS"
HHUSTR_E1M2          "E1M2:  THE DUNGEONS"
HHUSTR_E1M5          "E1M5:  THE CITADEL"
HHUSTR_E1M7          "E1M7:  THE CRYPTS"
HHUSTR_E1M8          "E1M8:  HELL'S MAW"

HHUSTR_E2M1          "E2M1:  THE CRATER"
HHUSTR_E2M2          "E2M2:  THE LAVA PITS"
HHUSTR_E2M4          "E2M4:  THE ICE GROTTO"
HHUSTR_E2M7          "E2M7:  THE GREAT HALL"
HHUSTR_E2M9          "E2M9:  THE GLACIER" 

HHUSTR_E3M2          "E3M2:  THE CESSPOOL"
HHUSTR_E3M7          "E3M7:  THE CHASM"
HHUSTR_E3M8          "E3M8:  D'SPARIL'S KEEP"
HHUSTR_E3M9          "E3M9:  THE AQUIFER"

HHUSTR_E4M1          "E4M1:  CATAFALQUE"
HHUSTR_E4M2          "E4M2:  BLOCKHOUSE"
HHUSTR_E4M3          "E4M3:  AMBULATORY"
HHUSTR_E4M4          "E4M4:  SEPULCHER"
HHUSTR_E4M5          "E4M5:  GREAT STAIR"
HHUSTR_E4M9          "E4M9:  MAUSOLEUM"

HHUSTR_E5M1          "E5M1:  OCHRE CLIFFS"
HHUSTR_E5M2          "E5M2:  RAPIDS"
HHUSTR_E5M3          "E5M3:  QUAY"
HHUSTR_E5M4          "E5M4:  COURTYARD"
HHUSTR_E5M5          "E5M5:  HYDRATYR"
HHUSTR_E5M6          "E5M6:  COLONNADE"
HHUSTR_E5M7          "E5M7:  FOETID MANSE"
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
AMSTR_FOLLOWON     Automap follow mode toggled on (F)
                     "Follow Mode ON"
AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF    Automap follow mode toggled off (F)
                     "Follow Mode OFF"
AMSTR_GRIDON       Automap grid mode toggled on (G)
                     "Grid ON"
AMSTR_GRIDOFF      Automap grid mode toggled off (G)
                     "Grid OFF"
AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT   Automap spot marked (M)
                     "Marked Spot"
AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED Automap marks cleared (C)
                     "All Marks Cleared" 
STSTR_MUS          Music changed with IDMUSnn
                     "Music Change"
STSTR_NOMUS        Error message [IDMUS] to bad number
                     "IMPOSSIBLE SELECTION"
STSTR_DQDON        God mode toggled on [IDDQD]
                     "Degreelessness Mode On"
STSTR_DQDOFF       God mode toggled off [IDDQD]
                     "Degreelessness Mode Off"
STSTR_KFAADDED     Ammo and keys added [IDKFA]
                     "Very Happy Ammo Added"
STSTR_FAADDED      Ammo no keys added [IDK or IDKA]
                     "Ammo (no keys) Added"
STSTR_NCON         Walk through walls toggled on [IDCLIP or IDSPISPOPD]
                     "No Clipping Mode ON"
STSTR_NCOFF        Walk through walls off [IDCLIP or IDSPISPOPD]
                     "No Clipping Mode OFF"
STSTR_BEHOLD       Prompt for IDBEHOLD cheat menu
                     "inVuln, Str, Inviso, Rad, Allmap, or Lite-amp"
STSTR_BEHOLDX      Prompt after toggling the special with IDBEHOLD
                     "Power-up Toggled"
STSTR_CHOPPERS     Message when the chainsaw is picked [IDCHOPPERS]
                     "... doesn't suck - GM"
STSTR_CLEV         Message while changing levels [IDCLEVxx]
                     "Changing Level..."
STSTR_COMPON       Message when turning on DOOM compatibility mode (*)
                     "Compatibility Mode On"
STSTR_COMPOFF      Message when turning off DOOM compatibility mode (*)
                     "Compatibility Mode Off"
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

* DOOM/Ultimate DOOM Intermissions

E1TEXT             Message after Episode 1 of DOOM
                     "Once you beat the big badasses and\nclean out "...
E2TEXT             Message after Episode 2 of DOOM
                     "You've done it! The hideous cyber-\ndemon lord"...
E3TEXT             Message after Episode 3 of DOOM
                     "The loathsome spiderdemon that\nmasterminded t"...
E4TEXT             Message after Episode 4 of Ultimate DOOM
                     "the spider mastermind must have sent forth\nit"...

* DOOM2 Intermissions

C1TEXT             Message after MAP06
C2TEXT             Message after MAP11
C3TEXT             Message after MAP20
                     "YOU ARE AT THE CORRUPT HEART OF THE CITY,\nSUR"...
C4TEXT             Message after MAP30
C5TEXT             Message when entering MAP31
C6TEXT             Message when entering MAP32

* PLUTONIA Intermissions

P1TEXT             Message after MAP06
                     "You gloat over the steaming carcass of the\nGu"...
P2TEXT             Message after MAP11
                     "Even the deadly Arch-Vile labyrinth could\nnot"...
P3TEXT             Message after MAP20
                     "You've bashed and battered your way into\nthe "...
P4TEXT             Message after MAP30
                     "The Gatekeeper's evil face is splattered\nall "...
P5TEXT             Message when entering MAP31
                     "You've found the second-hardest level we\ngot."...
P6TEXT             Message when entering MAP32
                     "Betcha wondered just what WAS the hardest\nlev"... 

* TNT:Evilution Intermissions

T1TEXT             Message after MAP06
                     "You've fought your way out of the infested\nex"...
T2TEXT             Message after MAP11
                     "You hear the grinding of heavy machinery\nahea"...
T3TEXT             Message after MAP20
                     "The vista opening ahead looks real damn\nfamil"...
T4TEXT             Message after MAP30
                     "Suddenly, all is silent, from one horizon\nto "...
T5TEXT             Message when entering MAP31
                     "What now? Looks totally different. Kind\nof li"...
T6TEXT             Message when entering MAP32
                     "Time for a vacation. You've burst the\nbowels "...

* New to Eternity: Heretic Intermissions

H1TEXT             Message after Episode 1
                     "with the destruction of the iron\nliches and t"...
H2TEXT             Message after Episode 2
                     "the mighty maulotaurs have proved\nto be no ma"...
H3TEXT             Message after Episode 3
                     "the death of d'sparil has loosed\nthe magical "...
H4TEXT             Message after SOSR Episode 4
                     "you thought you would return to your\nown worl"...
H5TEXT             Message after SOSR Episode 5
                     "as the final maulotaur bellows his\ndeath-agon"...
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
CC_ZOMBIE          Trooper
CC_SHOTGUN         Sargeant
                     "SHOTGUN GUY"
CC_HEAVY           Chaingunner
                     "HEAVY WEAPON DUDE"
CC_IMP             Imp
CC_DEMON           Demon
CC_LOST            Lost Soul
                     "LOST SOUL"
CC_CACO            Cacodemon
CC_HELL            Hell Knight
                     "HELL KNIGHT"
CC_BARON           Baron of Hell
                     "BARON OF HELL"
CC_ARACH           Arachnotron (baby spider)
CC_PAIN            Pain Elemental
                     "PAIN ELEMENTAL"
CC_REVEN           Revenant
CC_MANCU           Mancubus
CC_ARCH            Arch Vile
CC_SPIDER          Spider Mastermind
                     "THE SPIDER MASTERMIND"
CC_CYBER           Cyberdemon
                     "THE CYBERDEMON"
CC_HERO            Green player
                     "OUR HERO"
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------


MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
BGFLATE1           End of DOOM Episode 1
BGFLATE2           End of DOOM Episode 2
BGFLATE3           End of DOOM Episode 3
BGFLATE4           End of DOOM Episode 4
BGFLAT06           DOOM2 after MAP06
BGFLAT11           DOOM2 after MAP11
BGFLAT20           DOOM2 after MAP20
BGFLAT30           DOOM2 after MAP30
BGFLAT15           DOOM2 going MAP15 to MAP31
BGFLAT31           DOOM2 going MAP31 to MAP32
BGCASTCALL         Panel behind cast call    
* New to Eternity

BGFLATHE1          End of Heretic Episode 1
BGFLATHE2          End of Heretic Episode 2
BGFLATHE3          End of Heretic Episode 3
BGFLATHE4          End of Heretic:SOSR Episode 4
BGFLATHE5          End of Heretic:SOSR Episode 5
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

Part 10 - NEW: STARTUP BANNERS[edit]

MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
STARTUP1           Starting strings to be displayed during startup
STARTUP2           Leave them blank to not display
STARTUP3           You may include \n to split a line
STARTUP4           Have a nice time
STARTUP5           Burma Shave
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Part 11 - NEW: OBITUARIES[edit]

These are the built-in obituary strings, which are new to Eternity. They are shown to the player when he/she dies in certain ways. Note that obituaries for enemy kills are defined via EDF, and cannot be edited by DeHackEd/BEX files. The player name is always inserted before the beginning of an obituary string, along with a space.

MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
OB_SUICIDE         Displayed when player kills self via console command
OB_FALLING         Displayed when player dies by falling too far
OB_CRUSH           Displayed when player dies via crusher
                     "was squished"
OB_SLIME           Displayed when player dies via damaging floor
OB_BARREL          Displayed when player killed by inanimate explosion
                     "was blown up"
OB_COOP            Displayed when player kills player in coop mode
                     "scored a frag for the other team"
OB_DEFAULT         Displayed on unknown or miscellaneous death
OB_ROCKET_SELF     Displayed when rocket kills self
                     "should have stood back"
OB_BFG11K_SELF     Displayed when BFG11k splash damage kills self
                     "used a BFG11k up close"
OB_FIST            Displayed when player dies by punch in DM
                     "was punched to death"
OB_CHAINSAW        Displayed when player dies by chainsaw in DM
                     "was mistaken for a tree"
OB_PISTOL          Displayed when player dies by pistol in DM
                     "took a slug to the head"
OB_SHOTGUN         Displayed when player dies by shotgun in DM
                     "couldn't duck the buckshot"
OB_SSHOTGUN        Displayed when player dies by SSG in DM
                     "was shown some double barrels"
OB_CHAINGUN        Displayed when player dies by chaingun in DM
                     "did the chaingun cha-cha"
OB_ROCKET          Displayed when player dies by rocket in DM
                     "was blown apart by a rocket"
OB_PLASMA          Displayed when player dies by plasma in DM
                     "admires the pretty blue stuff"
OB_BFG             Displayed when player dies by BFG shot in DM
                     "was utterly destroyed by the BFG"
OB_BFG_SPLASH      Displayed when player dies by BFG tracer in DM
                     "saw the green flash"
OB_BETABFG         Displayed when player dies by Beta BFG in DM
                     "got a blast from the past"
OB_BFGBURST        Displayed when player dies by Plasma Burst BFG in DM
                     "was caught in a plasma storm"
OB_GRENADE_SELF    Displayed when grenade kills self
                     "lost track of a grenade"
OB_GRENADE         Displayed when player dies by grenade in DM
                     "tripped on a grenade"
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These are the names of resources used by the demo/title sequence, help screens, and credit/about screens.

MNEMONIC           Purpose
                     Initial original value (just the first part if long)
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
TITLEPIC           DOOM / DOOM II Titlepic resource
TITLE              Heretic Titlepic resource
CREDIT             Static credits screen for original game authors
HELP2              Shareware advertisement help screen
ORDER              Shareware advertisement help screen
DEMO1              First demo played in title sequence
DEMO2              Second demo played in title sequence
DEMO3              Third demo played in title sequence
DEMO4              Fourth demo played in title sequence
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