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UDMF is the extensible format that replaces the classic Doom format and ExtraData. Each level, instead of being defined by the classic lumps (THINGS, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS etc.) is defined by a human-readable lump named TEXTMAP, and can have associated lumps (e.g. ZNODES, BLOCKMAP, REJECT if needed) and other lumps, until a marker lump named ENDMAP.

TEXTMAP has a well-defined language. Check the UDMF article at doomwiki.org. Each game and port has its own namespace(s), for example we have these namespaces: "doom", "heretic", "hexen", "strife", "zdoom" and others. Eternity has the "eternity" namespace.

At its core, UDMF is made of many blocks, each titled "vertex", "sector", "sidedef", "linedef", "thing" and containing several properties, some mandatory, others optional. Each game or port namespace can define its own set, which is typically hard-coded, though it's also possible for the user to add their own fields (which have to be preceded by a safe prefix, to avoid conflicts with the standard).

Maps designed in UDMF no longer need ExtraData.


Eternity supports the "doom" and "eternity" namespaces. In the rest of this article, we'll detail the "eternity" namespace. A TEXTMAP for Eternity must start with this:

namespace = "eternity";

Node format

Nodes for UDMF use the uncompressed GL-nodes format under the ZNODES name. Tools such as ZDBSP should build such a lump upon detecting a TEXTMAP lump.


No change yet from the base "doom" namespace.


  heightfloor = <floating-point>;
  heightceiling = <floating-point>;

  xpanningfloor = <floating-point>;
  ypanningfloor = <floating-point>;
  xpanningceiling = <floating-point>;
  ypanningceiling = <floating-point>;

  xscalefloor = <floating-point>;
  yscalefloor = <floating-point>;
  xscaleceiling = <floating-point>;
  yscaleceiling = <floating-point>;
  rotationfloor = <floating-point>;
  rotationceiling = <floating-point>;

  secret = <boolean>;
  friction = <integer>;

  leakiness = <integer>;
  damageamount = <integer>;
  damageinterval = <integer>;
  damage_endgodmode = <boolean>;
  damage_exitlevel = <boolean>;
  damageterraineffect = <boolean>;
  damagetype = <string>;

  floorterrain = <string>;
  ceilingterrain = <string>;

  lightfloor = <integer>;
  lightceiling = <integer>;
  lightfloorabsolute = <boolean>;
  lightceilingabsolute = <boolean>;

  colormaptop = <string>;
  colormapmid = <string>;
  colormapbottom = <string>;

  floorid = <integer>;
  ceilingid = <integer>;
  attachfloor = <integer>;
  attachceiling = <integer>;

  soundsequence = <string>;

  portalfloor = <integer>;
  portalceiling = <integer>;

  portal_floor_disabled = <boolean>;
  portal_floor_norender = <boolean>;
  portal_floor_nopass = <boolean>;
  portal_floor_blocksound = <boolean>;
  portal_floor_useglobaltex = <boolean>;
  portal_floor_overlaytype = <string>;
  alphafloor = <floating-point>;

  portal_ceil_disabled = <boolean>;
  portal_ceil_norender = <boolean>;
  portal_ceil_nopass = <boolean>;
  portal_ceil_blocksound = <boolean>;
  portal_ceil_useglobaltex = <boolean>;
  portal_ceil_overlaytype = <string>;
  alphaceiling = <floating-point>;

Explanation of fields

  • heightfloor, heightceiling (mandatory)
Unlike the base field from the core specs, these ones allow floating-point values.
  • xpanningfloor, ypanningfloor, xpanningceiling, ypanningceiling
These properties control the panning of the floor or ceiling flat.
  • xscalefloor, yscalefloor, xscaleceiling, yscaleceiling (default: 1.0)
These properties control the scaling of the floor or ceiling flat. Greater values result in smaller textures.
  • rotationfloor, rotationceiling
These properties control the rotation of the floor or ceiling flat, in degrees.
  • secret
If true, the sector counts as a secret when visited by player.
  • friction (default: -1)
This one controls the friction of movement on the floor. The value of this field is equivalent to the length of a horizontal linedef with the classic Boom friction special. Default value: -1 (use usual Doom friction).
  • leakiness
This one controls the probability that, if this sector is also damaging, it will leak damage through the radiation suit. As reference, the classic Doom 20% sector has 5 leakiness. For damage which always goes through the suit, use 256.
  • damageamount
Damage per hit for players on the floor.
  • damageinterval
Time between hits. The classic Doom damaging floors use a 32 period.
  • damage_endgodmode
If true, it will cause the damaging floor to disable the godmode cheat.
  • damage_exitlevel
If true, it will cause the damaging floor to exit the level in victory if the player has too little health.
  • damageterraineffect
If true, then each damage hit will produce a splash, like the Heretic lava.
  • damagetype (default: "Unknown")
The damage type of the floor.
  • floorterrain (default: "@flat")
The terrain effect of the floor.
  • ceilingterrain (default: "@flat")
The terrain effect of the ceiling. Currently used for particle recolouring.
  • lightfloor, lightceiling
The light amount to add to the floor or ceiling, relative to the designated light level.
  • lightfloorabsolute, lightceilingabsolute
If true, then lightfloor or lightceiling just overrides the light.
  • colormaptop, colormapmid, colormapbottom (default: "@default")
The colormap to set for the top, normal or bottom part of a Boom sector with fake flats. Or for any normal part, if it's colormapmid. Use a lump from between C_START and C_END. "WATERMAP" and "LAVAMAP" are provided by Eternity.
  • floorid, ceilingid
ID of the floor or ceiling of this sector to use for attached surfaces. Use this id in attachfloor and attachceiling.
  • attachfloor, attachceiling
Makes the floor or ceiling of this sector move whenever sectors with floorid or ceilingid with the same number move their respective surfaces. If you want this sector's floor or ceiling to move in opposite direction, use the negative value.
  • soundsequence
Name of the soundsequence to use for the movement of this sector.
  • portalfloor, portalceiling
Portal ID to use on the floor or ceiling of this sector, using the same value as the one set in Portal_Define. For two-way portals, use the negative number for the opposite portal (i.e. one way uses portal n, and the other way uses -n).
  • portal_floor_disabled, portal_ceil_disabled
If true, the portal is disabled (has no effect).
  • portal_floor_norender, portal_ceil_norended
If true, the portal is not rendered but may have effects.
  • portal_floor_nopass, portal_ceil_nopass
If true, it disables any linked portals interaction.
  • portal_floor_blocksound, portal_ceil_blocksound
If true, it blocks sounds from monsters listening for alerts.
  • portal_floor_useglobaltex, portal_ceil_useglobaltex
  • portal_floor_overlaytype, portal_ceil_overlaytype (default: "none")
Can be "none", "translucent" or "additive". Controls the rendering of portal overlays.
  • alphafloor, alphaceiling (default: 1.0)
Alpha of the portal overlay. 1.0 makes it fully visible, 0.0 is invisible.