Thing type flags: Difference between revisions

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m (-redundancy)
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| 8
| 8
| 0x08
| 0x08
| Not linked into sectors. Invisible, but can be hit. Never appears in automap, even with cheats.
| Not linked into sectors. Invisible, but can be hit. Won't be damaged by crushing floors and ceilings. Never appears in automap, even with cheats.
|-style="background-color: #F5F5F5"
|-style="background-color: #F5F5F5"

Revision as of 17:39, 6 June 2010

Thing type flags are properties that can be set on or off, to control special behavior. They belong to thing classes, such as Zombieman or BaronOfHell, and shouldn't be confused with the mapthing flags, which affect individual objects in a level, regardless of species (see ExtraData mapthing options for that type of flags).

Thingtype flags are used by the thingtype block in EDF, with the fields: flags, flags2, flags3, flags4, cflags, addflags and remflags. They are also used by the SetFlags and UnSetFlags codepointers.

The flags are grouped (currently) into four categories, because only 32 bits can enter a long integer block. This was once important for Eternity editing, such as via DeHackEd, but since the extension of EDF arguments to a runtime evaluation system, there is no longer any need to use the original restricted flags fields.

flags up to flags4 can only use bits from their own namespaces, while cflags, addflags and remflags combine all flags into a single namespace, excepting the flags bit SLIDE.


Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description
SPECIAL 0 1 0x01 Collectable item (can be picked up).
SOLID 1 2 0x02 Blocks other objects.
SHOOTABLE 2 4 0x04 Can take damage and be targeted.
NOSECTOR 3 8 0x08 Not linked into sectors. Invisible, but can be hit. Won't be damaged by crushing floors and ceilings. Never appears in automap, even with cheats.
NOBLOCKMAP 4 16 0x10 Not linked into the blockmap. Cannot be hit, but can hit other objects.
AMBUSH 5 32 0x20 Always has "AMBUSH" mapthing flag behavior. Will only wake up when an enemy is seen.
JUSTHIT 6 64 0x40 Internal flag, monster will attack as soon as it is activated.
JUSTATTACKED 7 128 0x80 Internal flag, delays a bit before attacking.
SPAWNCEILING 8 256 0x100 Spawns on the ceiling instead of the floor.
NOGRAVITY 9 512 0x200 Is not subject to gravity.
DROPOFF 10 1024 0x400 Can pass over ledges higher than 24 units.
PICKUP 11 2048 0x800 Can pick up items. Currently only works on player class objects.
NOCLIP 12 4096 0x1000 Is not clipped against other objects or lines.
SLIDE 13 8192 0x2000 For compatibility only, has no effect. Use flags3 bit SLIDE instead.
FLOAT 14 16384 0x4000 Has floating monster behavior.
TELEPORT 15 32768 0x8000 Unused vanilla flag. Can go over steps of any height, has other odd behaviors. Use not recommended.
MISSILE 16 65536 0x10000 Is a projectile.
DROPPED 17 131072 0x20000 Internal flag for dropped items (trooper clips, etc). Can be crushed, never respawns.
SHADOW 18 262144 0x40000 Renders as spectre fuzz. Monsters aiming at this thing will suffer inaccuracy.
NOBLOOD 19 524288 0x80000 Doesn't bleed when hit by tracer attacks; spawns bullet puffs instead.
CORPSE 20 1048576 0x100000 Is a corpse and may slide over ledges. Also checked by Arch-viles.
INFLOAT 21 2097152 0x200000 Internal flag, used for floating monster AI.
COUNTKILL 22 4194304 0x400000 Counts toward kill score when defeated, and is considered a valid target. See also KILLABLE.
COUNTITEM 23 8388608 0x800000 Counts toward item score when collected. May respawn if item respawning is enabled.
SKULLFLY 24 16777216 0x1000000 Internal flag, used for charging monster maintenance.
NOTDMATCH 25 33554432 0x2000000 Is not spawned at level start in Deathmatch game modes.
TRANSLATION1 26 67108864 0x4000000 Remaps green to gray in sprites.
TRANSLATION2 27 134217728 0x8000000 Remaps green to brown, or gray to red if combined with TRANSLATION1.
TOUCHY 28 268435456 0x10000000 Dies on contact with solid things of other species, excepting Lost Souls and Pain Elementals.
BOUNCES 29 536870912 0x20000000 Bounces. Can be combined with other flags for various effects. See below.
FRIEND 30 1073741824 0x40000000 Friendly monster, MBF/Eternity variety.
TRANSLUCENT 31 2147483648 0x80000000 Renders with BOOM-style translucency, controlled by user translucency level setting.
Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description

Bounces. Different behaviors may be achieved by combining with other flags:

BOUNCES+MISSILE: as a missile, bounces off floors and ceilings but explodes everywhere else. Useful for not allowing the BFG to conveniently explode.
BOUNCES+NOGRAVITY: bounces off all surfaces. Can be used for projectiles despite lack of MISSILE flag.
BOUNCES+FLOAT: usable for monsters, letting them pogo-jump to most heights.
BOUNCES+FLOAT+DROPOFF: even higher jumping.
BOUNCES: can be used for projectiles, allowing grenades to be implemented.


Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description
LOGRAV 0 1 0x01 Is subject to 1/3rd normal gravity. Does not combine with BOUNCES.
NOSPLASH 1 2 0x02 Cannot trigger terrain effects.
NOSTRAFE 2 4 0x04 Never uses MBF strafing logic even if enabled.
NORESPAWN 3 8 0x08 Never respawns, even in Nightmare skill or with -respawn active.
ALWAYSRESPAWN 4 16 0x10 Always respawns regardless of skill or settings.
REMOVEDEAD 5 32 0x20 Is randomly removed from the level after death, instead of respawning. Not for player class objects.
NOTHRUST 6 64 0x40 Is not affected by BOOM environmental pushers (wind, force points, conveyors, water currents).
NOCROSS 7 128 0x80 Cannot trigger DOOM-style walk-over linedef specials.
JUMPDOWN 8 256 0x100 When friendly, may jump down off ledges to follow player, subject to dog jumping setting.
PUSHABLE 9 512 0x200 Can be pushed, like Heretic pods.
MAP07BOSS1 10 1024 0x400 Is a boss for the MAP07_1 boss special (tag 666).
MAP07BOSS2 11 2048 0x800 Is a boss for the MAP07_2 boss special (tag 667).
E1M8BOSS 12 4096 0x1000 Is a boss for the E1M8 boss special (tag 666).
E2M8BOSS 13 8192 0x2000 Is a boss for the E2M8 boss special (exits level, or tag 666 in Heretic).
E3M8BOSS 14 16384 0x4000 Is a boss for the E3M8 boss special (exits level, or tag 666 in Heretic).
BOSS 15 32768 0x8000 Roars loudly, and is immune to blast radii and certain other attacks.
E4M6BOSS 16 65536 0x10000 Is a boss for the E4M6 boss special (tag 666).
E4M8BOSS 17 131072 0x20000 Is a boss for the E4M8 boss special (tag 666).
FOOTCLIP 18 262144 0x40000 Is subject to liquid terrain effects (lowered view point, missiles, feet are clipped).
FLOATBOB 19 524288 0x80000 Bobs perpetually on the z axis, like Heretic and Hexen powerups.
DONTDRAW 20 1048576 0x100000 Doesn't generate a sprite (invisible, but appears on automap).
SHORTMRANGE 21 2097152 0x200000 Has a limited missile range, like the Arch-vile.
LONGMELEE 22 4194304 0x400000 Has a restricted non-missile proximity area, like the Revenant.
RANGEHALF 23 8388608 0x800000 Considers only half the distance to its target, giving a higher missile attack probability.
HIGHERMPROB 24 16777216 0x1000000 Additional boost to missile attack probability at a distance, as with the Cyberdemon.
CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC 25 33554432 0x2000000 Cannot cross into sectors with a different floor flat. Useful for water monsters.
SPAWNFLOAT 26 67108864 0x4000000 Spawns at a randomized height within the range of its sector, like Heretic Gargoyle.
INVULNERABLE 27 134217728 0x8000000 Takes no damage if damage is less than 10000. Does not react to damage.
DORMANT 28 268435456 0x10000000 Spawns as dormant and invulnerable regardless of mapthing flags. Must be awakened by script or line special.
SEEKERMISSILE 29 536870912 0x20000000 Is considered a homing projectile, for reflection purposes.
DEFLECTIVE 30 1073741824 0x40000000 If paired with REFLECTIVE, causes reflection at a wide angle.
REFLECTIVE 31 2147483648 0x80000000 Reflects projectiles. Still takes damage unless also INVULNERABLE.
Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description


Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description
GHOST 0 1 0x01 Is a Heretic ghost. Translucent, monsters will aim inaccurately, and THRUGHOST missiles will pass through.
THRUGHOST 1 2 0x02 Missiles with this flag will pass through objects with the GHOST flag.
NODMGTHRUST 2 4 0x04 Will not inflict thrust on objects that this object inflicts damage upon directly.
ACTSEESOUND 3 8 0x08 Has a 50% chance of making its seesound instead of its activesound at each opportunity.
LOUDACTIVE 4 16 0x10 Makes activesound at full volume.
E5M8BOSS 5 32 0x20 Is a boss for the E5M8 boss special (tag 666). Used by Maulotaurs.
DMGIGNORED 6 64 0x40 Monsters will never retaliate against this object when it damages them, as with Arch-viles.
BOSSIGNORE 7 128 0x80 Will not attack other species with this flag. This flag is deprecated and should not be used in EDF.
SLIDE 8 256 0x100 Slides against walls when moving into them; used by players and Heretic pods.
TELESTOMP 9 512 0x200 Can telefrag shootable objects, including monsters and players.
WINDTHRUST 10 1024 0x400 Is affected by Heretic wind sector effects.
FIREDAMAGE 11 2048 0x800 Damage inflicted directly by this object will be changed to use the Fire damagetype.
KILLABLE 12 4096 0x1000 Is a living monster, but does not count for kill percentage. Used instead of COUNTKILL for Lost Souls.
DEADFLOAT 13 8192 0x2000 NOGRAVITY flag is not removed when this object dies, as with Lost Souls.
NOTHRESHOLD 14 16384 0x4000 Turns against most recent attacker instantly, as with Arch-viles and in Quake AI.
FLOORMISSILE 15 32768 0x8000 Missiles with this flag can hug the floor and move up steps.
SUPERITEM 16 65536 0x10000 An item with this flag will only respawn if the super items respawn dmflag is asserted.
NOITEMRESP 17 131072 0x20000 Items with this flag never respawn, but cannot be crushed as with DROPPED.
SUPERFRIEND 18 262144 0x40000 Adds absolute loyalty to FRIEND monsters; will never retaliate if attacked by a friend.
INVULNCHARGE 19 524288 0x80000 Is invulnerable when SKULLFLY-charging, as with Maulotaurs.
EXPLOCOUNT 20 1048576 0x100000 Missile will not explode if counter 1 < counter 2, but increments counter 1. Used by Iron Lich tornadoes.
CANNOTPUSH 21 2097152 0x200000 Is unable to push objects with the PUSHABLE flag.
TLSTYLEADD 22 4194304 0x400000 Uses additive translucency as determined by the thingtype's alpha property.
SPACMONSTER 23 8388608 0x800000 Can activate parameterized linedefs which are marked with the MONSTER special activation flag.
SPACMISSILE 24 16777216 0x1000000 Can activate parameterized linedefs which are marked with the MISSILE special activation flag.
NOFRIENDDMG 25 33554432 0x2000000 Does not take damage from FRIEND objects, excepting possibly itself.
3DDECORATION 26 67108864 0x4000000 Object clips missiles at its normal height even when comp_theights is off. Used by DOOM decor objects.
ALWAYSFAST 27 134217728 0x8000000 Always exhibits -fast/Nightmare increased reaction time and attack rate in all skill levels.
PASSMOBJ 28 268435456 0x10000000 Is considered fully three dimensional when comp_overunder is off (3D object clipping enabled).
DONTOVERLAP 29 536870912 0x20000000 Tries to avoid overlapping with other objects even when 3D object clipping is enabled.
CYCLEALPHA 30 1073741824 0x40000000 alpha will cycle continuously if alphavelocity is greater than zero.
RIP 31 2147483648 0x80000000 Missile will pass through SHOOTABLE objects, dealing damage repeatedly as long as contact is sustained.
Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description


Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description
AUTOTRANSLATE 0 1 0x01 Adapts a built-in palette translation if spawned in games other than Doom; used by EE objects such as MBFHelperDog.
NORADIUSDMG 1 2 0x02 Object will not take radius damage from most sources.
FORCERADIUSDMG 2 4 0x04 As an inflictor, forces all objects (including BOSS and NORADIUSDMG) to take radius damage.
LOOKALLAROUND 3 8 0x08 Has a 360-degree field of vision, same as monsters given the AMBUSH flag after hearing a shot.
NODAMAGE 4 16 0x10 Is invulnerable to damage < 10000, but still reacts as if damage has been taken (thrust, blood, and pain).
SYNCHRONIZED 5 32 0x20 Will not have its spawnstate tics randomized when spawned on the map at level start. SVN r1096+
NORANDOMIZE 6 64 0x40 As a missile or bouncing explosive, will not have its spawnstate and first deathstate tics randomized. Note that the semantics of this flag are opposite of ZDoom, due to compatibility requirements. SVN r1096+
Flag name Bit number Decimal Hexadecimal Description