Predefined lumps

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Most predefined lumps used in BOOM and MBF are still present in Eternity, although not all are used. These lumps can be found in eternity.wad and are no longer stored inside the executable, primarily for reasons of code size and compile time.

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New lump list

Menu text
M_KEYBND       Key Bindings entry in setup menu
M_AUTO         Automap entry in setup menu
M_CHATM        Chat strings entry in setup menu (Replaces M_CHAT, New to SMMU)
M_ENEM         Enemies options entry in setup menu
M_STAT         Status bar and Hud entry in setup menu
M_WEAP         Weapons entry in setup menu
M_COLORS       Palette color picker diagram
M_PALNO        Xed-out symbol for unused automap features
M_BUTT1        Setup reset button off state (currently unused)
M_BUTT2        Setup reset button on state (currently unused)
M_LDSV         Load/Save menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_FEAT         Features menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_MULTI        Multiplayer options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_ABOUT        About menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_DEMOS        Demos menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_WAD          Wad loading menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_SOUND        Sound options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_VIDEO        Video options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_MOUSE        Mouse options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_HUD          Heads-up options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_TCPIP        TCP/IP connect menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_SERIAL       Serial connect menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_PLAYER       Player options menu graphic (new to SMMU)
M_COMPAT       Compatibility options menu graphic (new to MBF)
M_SLIDEM       Small slider gfx, middle segment (new to SMMU)
M_SLIDEL       Small slider gfx, left end (new to SMMU)
M_SLIDEO       Small slider gfx, caret (new to SMMU)
M_SLIDER       Small slider gfx, right end (new to SMMU)
MBFTEXT        Marine's Best Friend menu graphic (new to MBF, currently unused)
M_ETCOPT       Eternity options menu graphic (new to Eternity)

Font chars
STCFN096       ` character for standard DOOM font
STCFN123       left end of console horizontal divider bar  (new to SMMU)
STCFN124       center of console horizontal divider bar    (new to SMMU)
STCFN125       right end of console horizontal divider bar (new to SMMU)

STBR123        HUD font bargraph char, full, 4 vertical bars
STBR124        HUD font bargraph char, partial, 3 vertical bars
STBR125        HUD font bargraph char, partial, 2 vertical bars
STBR126        HUD font bargraph char, partial, 1 vertical bars
STBR127        HUD font bargraph char, empty, 0 vertical bars

DIG0         HUD font 0 char
DIG1         HUD font 1 char
DIG2         HUD font 2 char
DIG3         HUD font 3 char
DIG4         HUD font 4 char
DIG5         HUD font 5 char
DIG6         HUD font 6 char
DIG7         HUD font 7 char
DIG8         HUD font 8 char
DIG9         HUD font 9 char
DIGA         HUD font A char
DIGB         HUD font B char
DIGC         HUD font C char
DIGD         HUD font D char
DIGE         HUD font E char
DIGF         HUD font F char
DIGG         HUD font G char
DIGH         HUD font H char
DIGI         HUD font I char
DIGJ         HUD font J char
DIGK         HUD font K char
DIGL         HUD font L char
DIGM         HUD font M char
DIGN         HUD font N char
DIGO         HUD font O char
DIGP         HUD font P char
DIGQ         HUD font Q char
DIGR         HUD font R char
DIGS         HUD font S char
DIGT         HUD font T char
DIGU         HUD font U char
DIGV         HUD font V char
DIGW         HUD font W char
DIGX         HUD font X char
DIGY         HUD font Y char
DIGZ         HUD font Z char
DIG45        HUD font - char
DIG47        HUD font / char
DIG58        HUD font : char
DIG91        HUD font [ char
DIG93        HUD font ] char

Status bar
STKEYS6        Both blue keys graphic
STKEYS7        Both yellow keys graphic
STKEYS8        Both red keys graphic

Box chars
BOXUL        Upper left corner of box
BOXUC        Center of upper border of box
BOXUR        Upper right corner of box
BOXCL        Center of left border of box
BOXCC        Center of box
BOXCR        Center of right border of box
BOXLL        Lower left corner of box
BOXLC        Center of lower border of box
BOXLR        Lower right corner of box 

Misc HUD Graphics
HU_FRAGS     Frags display header graphic (new to SMMU)
HU_FRAGBX    Frags display name plate graphic (new to SMMU)
CROSS1       + crosshair graphic (new to SMMU)
CROSS2       Angle crosshair graphic (new to SMMU)
VPO          Visplane overflow indicator (new to SMMU)
OPENSOCK     Network connection error indicator (new to SMMU) 

Misc Graphics
UDTTL00      Hires Ultimate DOOM title screen, upper left (new to SMMU)
UDTTL01      Hires Ultimate DOOM title screen, lower left (new to SMMU)
UDTTL10      Hires Ultimate DOOM title screen, upper rght (new to SMMU)
UDTTL11      Hires Ultimate DOOM title screen, lower rght (new to SMMU)
D2TTL00      Hires DOOM II title screen, upper left (new to SMMU)
D2TTL01      Hires DOOM II title screen, lower left (new to SMMU)
D2TTL10      Hires DOOM II title screen, upper rght (new to SMMU)
D2TTL11      Hires DOOM II title screen, lower rght (new to SMMU)
DLGBACK      Default dialog background graphic (new to Eternity) 

Lumps missing in v1.1
STTMINUS       minus sign for neg frags in status bar
WIMINUS        minus sign for neg frags on end screen
M_NMARE        nightmare skill menu string
STBAR          status bar background
DSGETPOW       sound for obtaining power-up 

TNT1A0         Invisible sprite for push/pull controller things
DOGS*          MBF helper dog sprite (new to MBF)
PLS1*          BFG 2704 plasma 1 sprite (new to MBF)
PLS2*          BFG 2704 plasma 2 sprite (new to MBF)
SLDG*          FLOOR_SLUDGE TerrainType fx sprite (new to Eternity)
LVAS*          FLOOR_LAVA TerrainType fx sprite (new to Eternity)
SPSH*          FLOOR_WATER TerrainType fx sprite (new to Eternity) 

Misc Sounds
DSDGSIT        MBF helper dog alert (new to MBF)
DSDGATK        MBF helper dog attack (new to MBF)
DSDGACT        MBF helper dog idle (new to MBF)
DSDGDTH        MBF helper dog death (new to MBF)
DSDGPAIN       MBF helper dog pain (new to MBF)
DSPLFEET       Light player impact (new to Eternity)
DSFALLHT       Falling damage impact death (new to Eternity)
DSPLFALL       Falling damage player scream (new to Eternity)
DSTHUNDR       MapInfo global thunder effect (new to Eternity)
DSMUCK         FLOOR_SLUDGE TerrainType sound (new to Eternity)
DSBURN         FLOOR_LAVA TerrainType sound (new to Eternity)
DSGLOOP        FLOOR_WATER TerrainType sound (new to Eternity) 

METAL          Complimentary brown metal flat (new to SMMU)
F_SKY2         Dummy flat for Hexen-style sky sectors (new to Eternity) 

START          DOOM II Mode Start Map (new to SMMU)

Switches and Animations
SWITCHES       Definition of switch textures recognized
ANIMATED       Definition of animated textures and flats recognized


The SWITCHES lump makes the names of the switch textures used in the game known to the engine. It consists of a list of records each 20 bytes long, terminated by an entry (not used) whose last 2 bytes are 0.

9 bytes        Null terminated string naming "off" state texture for switch
9 bytes        Null terminated string naming "off" state texture for switch
2 bytes        Short integer for the IWADs switch will work in
    1 = shareware
    2 = registered/retail DOOM or shareware
    3 = DOOM II, registered/retail DOOM, or shareware
    0 = terminates list of known switches


The ANIMATED lump makes the names of the animated flats and textures known to the engine. It consists of a list of records, each 23 bytes long, terminated by a record (not used) whose first byte is -1 (255).

1 byte         -1 to terminate list, 0 if a flat, 1 if a texture
9 bytes        Null terminated string naming last texture/flat in animation
9 bytes        Null terminated string naming first texture/flat in animation
4 bytes        Animation speed, number of frames between animation changes

The BOOM utility package contains a program, SWANTBLS.EXE that will generate both the SWITCHES and ANIMATED lumps from a text file. An example is provided, DEFSWANI.DAT that generates the standard set of switches and animations for DOOM.


New to MBF, this lump allows you to set certain game settings for when the wad is loaded. See the OPTIONS documentation for more information.

New to SMMU

Setting the animation speed for a flat to a number higher than 65535 will cause the flat to use the swirling liquid effect rather than animation.

WATERMAP       Custom greenish colormap for underwater use
LAVAMAP        Custom red colormap for lava (new to SMMU)

The WATERMAP lump has the same format as COLORMAP, 34 tables of 256 bytes each, see the UDS for details. Note that colormaps you add to a PWAD must be between C_START and C_END markers.

The BOOM utility package contains a program, CMAPTOOL.EXE, that will generate custom colormaps for use with Eternity. It also includes 7 premade colormaps, and an add-on wad containing them.

Color translation tables
CRBRICK        Translates red range to brick red
CRTAN          Translates red range to tan
CRGRAY         Translates red range to gray
CRGREEN        Translates red range to green
CRBROWN        Translates red range to brown
CRGOLD         Translates red range to dark yellow
CRRED          Translates red range to red range (no change)
CRBLUE         Translates red range to light blue
CRBLUE2        Translates red range to dark blue (status bar numerals)
CRORANGE       Translates red range to orange
CRYELLOW       Translates red range to light yellow

These tables are used to translate the red font characters to other colors. They are made replaceable in order to support custom palettes in TC's better. Note however that the font character graphics must be defined using the palette indices for the standard red range of the palette 176-191.

Eternity Note

The default text translation range in Heretic is gray rather than red, and replacement fonts should use the gray range in the palette to support color translations.

Data Lumps and Scripts
TXTRCONV       DOOM -> DOOM II texture conversion table (new to SMMU)
KEYDEFS        Default keybindings (new to Eternity)
STARTSCR       Compiled Small script for start map (new to Eternity)


The TXTRCONV lump is used to translate DOOM textures to DOOM II textures, for the purpose of playing ExMy levels under DOOM II (accessed via the map command). The format of this lump is currently very strict. The pairs of texture names must be aligned precisely, with the first texture name (<= 8 character) starting in column 0, followed by spaces up to column 16, where the second DOOM II replacement texture name must start. Only one pair must be on a line, and lines must be terminated with a line break. This lump is ASCII text.

KEYDEFS format

KEYDEFS contains the engine's default key bindings. This lump is written to file as when a file by that name cannot be found. Editing of this defaults lump is not generally desirable, but it is a simple console script, the syntax of which is expounded upon in the Eternity Engine Console Reference. This lump is ASCII text.

Sprite colour translation tables

Thingtype EDF definitions allow a sprite's colour range to be translated, similar to how the green range is changed with the TRANSLATION1 and TRANSLATION2 thing type flags, but in this case, by using custom external tables. These lumps are 256 bytes large and must be included between T_START and T_END. Normally, they will consist of consecutive 8-bit numbers from 0 to 255 if there is no translation, but the indices which need to be changed will have the numbers of the target colours.