List of console commands and variables

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Console commands carry out a particular action when sent to the console.

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Name Parameters Flags Category Description
addfile wadfilename buffered notnet Control Adds the specified wad file at run-time. Some features will not function completely as expected when WADs are loaded at run-time, so for maximum compatibility always use the command line to load files.
alias newcmdname command Core alias alone will list all currently defined aliases. Providing newcmdname alone will remove that alias if it exists. Providing newcmdname and a valid console command will create "newcmdname" as an alias to that command, allowing shortcuts.

In order to make an alias take parameters, use the special variable "%opt", as such:

 alias "mycommand" "hu_overlay %opt"
animshot numframes Control Takes the given number of consecutive screenshots for the purpose of making a crude animation. Would be useful for animated GIFs or AVI movies. This command will make the game run very slow, however, and will eat up disk space quickly, so use it with care.
banish level notnet Testing If the player is autoaiming at an enemy, the enemy will be removed from the play simulation and its memory will be freed once no other objects reference it.
bind keyname actionname I/O Binds the specified action to the specified key. actionname is a string and should be enclosed in quotes if it contains whitespace. actionname may specify any valid action or console command. If "actionname" is not provided, the current binding status of the specified key will be displayed.
bindings Information Dumps a list of all active keybindings to the console.
buddha level notnet Testing Toggles "Buddha" mode, where you can take any amount of damage without dying.
c_popup Core Instantly removes the console from view.
closelog Logging Closes a console log opened by the openlog command. If no logging is currently occuring, this command does nothing. This command doesn't apply to files used by dumplog, as they are closed immediately, so it doesn't need to be used with the dumplog command.
cmdlist filter Core Displays all user-visible console commands, one per line. As of Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta, this command accepts an optional filter parameter that, if provided, should consist of a single character between A and Z. The character will be used to filter the command list down to only commands beginning with that letter.
creator Information Displays the name of the creator as set in EMAPINFO.
credits Menu Displays game engine / game credits.
cvarhelp variablename Core Outputs a list of possible values for the given variable.
delay amt Core Delays the running of the next console command by either 1, or if provided, by amt game tics.
defdmflags mode server Control Sets the deathmatch flags variable to its default settings. If no argument is provided, dmflags is set to the default for the current game type. Otherwise, the "mode" parameter indicates what game mode's defaults to set, with the following values:
  • 0 = Single-player mode
  • 1 = Cooperative mode
  • 2 = Deathmatch mode
  • 3 = Altdeath mode (deathmatch 2.0, items respawn)
  • 4 = Trideath mode (DM 3, barrels respawn, players drop backpacks)
dir Information Lists the contents of the current working directory to the console.
dumplog filename Logging Dumps the current state of the console message buffer to the specified file as ASCII text. The text will be appended to the file if it already exists, allowing multiple use of a single log file.
e_dumpitemeffect mnemonic Information Displays the properties of an item effect metatable.
e_dumpitems Information Lists all EDF thing type mnemonics and DeHackEd/DoomEd numbers for thing types which are collectable items. Useful in conjunction with the give command.
e_dumpmeta mnemonic Information Displays the properties stored in the metatable for the given thingtype.
e_dumpstate mnemonic Information Displays information on one EDF state definition.
e_dumpthings Information Lists all EDF thing type mnemonics along with the DeHackEd numbers and doomednums of the corresponding types.
e_linedef recordnum level Information Lists verbose information on an ExtraData linedef record with the given numeric record number. If no such linedef is defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
e_listkeyitems Information Lists all key-type artifact definitions.
e_listlinedefs level Information Lists all linedef definitions from the current map's ExtraData. If no linedefs are defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
e_listmapthings level Information Lists all mapthing definitions from the current map's ExtraData. If no mapthings are defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
e_mapthing recordnum level Information Lists verbose information on an ExtraData mapthing record with the given numeric record number. If no such mapthing is defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
e_playsound name Testing Plays an EDF sound.
e_thingtype thingtypename Information Lists verbose information on an EDF thingtype with the given mnemonic. If no such thingtype is defined, an error message will be given.
echo msg Core Echoes a string message to the console. As with all console strings, the string should be in quotes if it contains whitespace.
enable_lightning Testing Enables lightning sky effects in current level.
endgame notnet Testing Ends game and drops to console mode.
ev_mapsectorspecs level Information List out all the sector specials in use on the current map.
ev_mapspecials level Information Lists all linedef specials in current map.
flood Testing Writes 300 garbage characters to the console. Usefulness is of debate.
fly level notnet Testing Toggles flight mode, allowing you to fly like when having the Wings of Wrath.
frags Information Displays the current frag count for all players.
g_padprofile profilename I/O Runs a console script that can setup default bindings for a particular model/brand of gamepad. Profilename is the name of a lump, typically inside "gamepads/" in the Eternity's PKE. Example values (as currently in the base Eternity PKE) are:
  • firestorm digital 3
  • vanilla
  • xbox360 keylook
  • xbox360
give thingtypename num level notnet Testing Spawns 1, or "num" if provided, of the object with this EDF thing type name on the player and causes the player to collect it/them. If the requested thing type is not collectable, it will not be spawned. In addition, if a collectable item is not picked up by the player, it will be removed immediately.
GIVEARSENAL level notnet Testing Gives all weapons (as with IDFA).
GIVEKEYS level notnet Testing Gives all keys (as with IDK).
god level notnet Testing Toggles god mode (IDDQD) on or off.
help Menu Displays built-in and user-provided help screens. See the BOOM editing reference on how to provide up to 99 custom help screens.
i_error ... Testing Exits Eternity with error. Prints any arguments provided as a single string when the game exits.
i_exitwithmessage ... Testing Causes a non-error exit with message.
i_fatalerror ... Testing Exits Eternity with error. Prints any arguments provided as a single string when the game exits.
i_joystick num Control Selects the gamepad configured in num, if it can be found.
infammo level notnet Testing Toggles infinite ammo (INFSHOTS) on or off.
listactions Information Displays a list of all bindable actions, aside from console commands.
listkeys Information Displays a list of all bindable key names. Not all bindable key codes correspond to pressable keys, however. Most pressable keys have obvious names which correspond to those on the keyboard.
listskins Information Lists names of all available player skins.
listwads Information Lists all currently loaded WAD files.
maxdisplaynum Information Displays the maximum index of the available displaynum.
mdk level notnet Testing Fires a tracer from the player that instantly kills any monster the player is targetting.
mdkbomb level notnet Testing As above, but fires 60 such tracers in a circle around the player.
mn_advkeys Menu Displays the advanced movement control customize menu.
mn_automap Menu Displays the automap options menu.
mn_automapkeys Menu Displays the automap keybindings menu.
mn_bindings Menu Displays the control customize menu.
mn_clearmenus Menu Deactivates any active menu and returns to the game
mn_compat Menu Displays the DOOM compatibility options menu.
mn_config Menu Displays the user configuration menu.
mn_consolekeys Menu Brings up the console keybindings menu.
mn_demos notnet Menu Displays the Demos menu
mn_dynamenu menuname Menu Brings up the EDF dynamic menu with the given mnemonic. If no such menu exists, an error message will appear in the console.
mn_endgame Menu Prompts the user to end the current game and return to the title screen.
mn_enemies Menu Displays enemy AI options menu.
mn_envkeys Menu Displays the environment keybindings menu.
mn_episode num notnet Menu Brings up the Doom difficulty selection menu. Num it the index of the episode after which to show the difficulty settings.
mn_gamefuncs Menu Brings up the game function key bindings menu.
mn_gset Menu Brings up the game settings menu.
mn_hepis num notnet Menu Brings up the Heretic difficulty selection menu. Num it the index of the episode after which to show the difficulty settings.
mn_hud Menu Displays the heads-up display options menu.
mn_joymenu Menu Brings up the SDL joystick configuration menu. NOTE: This command does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
mn_load slotnum Menu Loads the save game from save slot slotnum.
mn_loadgame Menu Displays the load game menu.
mn_loadwad notnet Menu Displays the wad/file options menu.
mn_menukeys Menu Brings up the menue control keybindings menu.
mn_menus Menu Brings up the menu options menu.
mn_mouse Menu Displays the mouse options menu.
mn_movekeys Menu Displays the basic movement control customize menu.
mn_newgame Menu Displays the New Game menu or takes the player to the start map, depending on their configuration.
mn_old_options Menu Displays the vanilla Doom options menu.
mn_old_sound Menu Displays the vanilla Doom sounds menu.
mn_options Menu Displays the main options menu.
mn_padtest Menu If there's an active gamepad, brings up the testing widget.
mn_particle Menu Displays the particle effects options menu.
mn_player Menu Displays the player setup menu.
mn_prevmenu Menu Returns user to the last menu they viewed, or to the game if the present menu is the highest-most in that chain.
mn_quit Menu Displays a prompt asking the user if they want to quit.
mn_savegame Menu Displays the save game menu. Will not display if not in a level.
mn_selectflat Menu Brings up the menu background customization menu.
mn_selectmusic Menu Brings up the music menu.
mn_selectwad Menu Brings up the wad selection dialog box. The selected wad cannot be loaded if the current gamemode is a shareware game. Flags: not in a netgame
mn_sound Menu Displays the sound options menu.
mn_status Menu Displays the status bar options menu.
mn_testfont fontname [message] Testing Displays a widget to test a font.
mn_video Menu Displays the video options menu.
mn_weaponkeys Menu Displays the weapon control customize menu.
mn_weapons Menu Displays the weapons preferences menu
newgame notnet Menu Clears any active menus and starts a new game.
noclip level notnet Testing Toggles no clipping (IDCLIP) on or off.
openlog filename Logging Opens the specified file in append mode and begins writing any text printed to the console into the file. All console messages will be logged until either the closelog command is used, or the program closes. Note this log file is totally separate from any used with the "dumplog" command, which is simply for saving the current buffer. If a log file is already open, this command does nothing.
p_dumphubs Information Displays hub information (if hubs exist).
p_linespec name arg arg arg arg arg level notnet Testing Executes the named Eternity Engine parameterized line special with the given parameters. The line special is restricted to behaving as though it has been invoked without any linedef to reference, and thus certain effects such as sector special transfers will not occur even if specified by the special type or arguments.
p_testenvironment id1 id2 level Testing Alters player's sound zone to the one identified by id1 and id2.
pause server Control Pauses or unpauses the game.
playdemo demoname notnet Control Plays the given demo normally.
playerinfo Information Displays name information for all connected players.
puke script arg... notnet Testing Executes an ACS script. Neither activator thing nor trigger linedef are set.
r_changesky texturename [index] Testing Changes sky to specified one in texturename. If index is set, it uses the specified sky flat (if more than one).
quicksave Control Quicksaves a game. First time command is used, a slot must be chosen normally. Subsequent uses will overwrite the save in that slot.

NOTE: does nothing in network games or demos

quickload Control Quickloads a game from a previously chosen quicksave slot. NOTE: does nothing in network games or demos
quit Control Plays a random monster sound and exits the game normally, with no prompt.
quote Core Currently does nothing.
resurrect level notnet Testing Raises dead player.
s_playmusic name Testing Plays the given lump as music, if that lump can be found in the music hash table. Only lumps listed in the internal music table, or new lumps with names beginning with "D_" in DOOM or "MUS_" in Heretic are available.
screenshot Control Takes a single screenshot. Bind this command to a key in order to take a shot without the console in the way.
skinviewer Menu Brings up the skin viewer menu widget.
snd_selectbank Menu Brings up the ADLMidi sound bank selector menu.
spacejump hidden notnet Testing Allows the player to jump any number of times in midair; useful for testing linked portals.
spectate_next Control Switches display to next player (spy mode). Only works during non-deathmatch gameplay, or during any multiplayer demo.
spectate_prev Control Switches display to previous player (spy mode). Only works during non-deathmatch gameplay, or during any multiplayer demo.
starttitle notnet Testing Returns the game to the title screen / demo / credits loop.
stopdemo notnet Control Stops any currently playing demo and drops to console.
summon thingtypename flagslist mode hidden level notnet Testing Allows spawning of things via their EDF thing type name. An EDF/BEX flag list can optionally be provided, with the flags separated by commas only. By default, this will cause the listed flags to be added to the thing along with its normal flags. By specifying the third parameter as "set" or "remove", it is possible to set the thing's flags value to only the listed flags, or to remove the listed flags if the thingtype has them set by default.

Example to spawn a friendly thing:

$ summon doomimp friend 
thunder Testing Forces a thunder to occur.
timedemo demoname showmenu notnet Control Starts the given demo as a time demo, in which the framerate of the game can be measured. If showmenu is set to 1, a meter comparing the framerate against that of a "fast" machine will be displayed after the demo is complete. Otherwise, the framerate will be printed to the console as a number.
togglefullscreen buffered Control Toggles between fullscreen and window, by toggling between 'w' and 'f' in the current geom string.
unbind keyname bindingclass I/O Unbinds the specified key from any action, or from only the action in the specified class if the bindingclass parameter is specified. As of Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta, keys may have one binding from each separate binding class. Binding class numbers are displayed next to action names when using the "bind keyname" command.
unbindall I/O Releases *all* dynamic keybindings. Use with caution!
v_dumppatch lumpname filename fillcolor Testing Dumps a patch to a file as a PNG.
v_fontcolors fontname filename Testing Writes the colors of fontname to a file names filename.
vilehit level notnet Testing If the player is autoaiming at an enemy, the player will perform an Arch-vile attack on that enemy.
viles hidden level notnet Testing A special command for DOOM II only. Try it and see what happens :)
w_masterlevels [skill] notnet Menu Shows the Master Levels menu, assuming master_levels_dir is properly configured.
w_playnorest [skill] Control Start playing No Rest for the Living (if available).
w_writelump lumpname Testing Writes a lump to a file, with the name of the lump followed by .lmp, stored in the user game path.
whistle thingtypename level notnet Testing If there is a live, friendly thing of the given EDF type, the first such thing found on the map will be teleported in front of the player. If the thing doesn't fit where the player is trying to teleport it, it will not be teleported. It will also not be teleported across blocking lines.
xl_dumpemapinfo mapname Information Displays information on a single EMAPINFO (Eternity) entry by map name.
xl_dumpmapinfo mapname Information Displays information on a single MAPINFO (Hexen/ZDoom) entry by map name.
z_dumpcore hidden Information Write the zone heap to a file. Useful for debugging.
z_print hidden Information Prints the zone heap. Useful for development debugging.


Name Parameters Description
say ... Sends all arguments as a single message to all players in a network game.

Flags: net command


Name Parameters Description
nuke Kills all enemies on the level, and if there are no enemies, kills all friends on the level (equivalent to KILLEM).

Flags: server-only, only in level, net command


Name Parameters Description
map mapname Transfers game play to the given map. mapname may be the name of a WAD file to load, as well as the name of a map header itself.
 	map E1M1
 	map w00t.wad

Flags: server-only, net command, buffered command

kill Causes the player to commit suiceide.

Flags: only in level, net command

exitlevel Exits the current level. Starting with EE v3.31 beta 1, this command will not allow an exit if the player is dead unless the comp_zombie variable is set to allow zombie exits.

Flags: only in level, server-only, net command, buffered command