EDF weapon reference

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Revision as of 19:28, 8 January 2018 by Altazimuth (talk | contribs) (Update to include documentation of more fields.)
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TODO: Initial spiel.

See User:Altazimuth/Weapon info flags
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Eternity Alfheim syntax

EDF weaponinfo supports pre-Alfheim and Alfehim syntax. Make sure to add:


before using this syntax:

weaponinfo <unique name> : <inherited weaponinfo>, <dehackednum>
  <other attributes>

Header properties

  • <inherited weaponinfo> must be a value, even if the weaponinfo doesn't inherit from anything else. In that case, it must be Weapon, which is a placeholder value belonging to no real weaponinfo.
  • <dehackednum> -1 if not used. If -1, it can be omitted, leaving just this:
weaponinfo <unique name> : <inherited weaponinfo> {<attributes>}
  • If header properties are used, the pre-Alfheim syntax inherits and dehackednum attributes are not used.


weaponinfo <unique name> [: <parent type> [, <dehackednum>]]
  dehackednum            <unique number>
  inherits               <weaponinfo>
  ammotype               <artifact mnemonic>
  ammotype2              <artifact mnemonic>
  upstate                <frame>
  downstate              <frame>
  readystate             <frame>
  attackstate            <frame>
  flashstate             <frame>
  holdstate              <frame>
  attackstate2           <frame>
  flashstate2            <frame>
  holdstate2             <frame>
  ammouse                <number>
  ammouse2               <number>
  selectionorder         <number>
  nextincycle            <weapon info mnemonic>
  previncycle            <weapon info mnemonic>
  flags                  <flag list>
  addflags               <flag list>
  remflags               <flag list>
  mod                    <MOD name OR number>
  recoil                 <number>
  hapticrecoil           <number>
  haptictime             <number>
  upsound                <sound>
  readysound             <sound>
  firstdecoratestate     <frame>
  states                 <DECORATE state syntax heredoc>

Explanation of fields

ID / Type Info

  • dehackednum
Default = -1
Fake array index number, for Dehacked patch (BEX or DEH file) compatibility. It has to be an unique number if not -1. Safe numbers are from 10000 up.
  • inherits
Default = (nothing)
Sets the weapon info from which this will copy properties. All of the properties except dehackednum will be copied from the base actor type.


  • firstdecoratestate
Sets the first frame in a sequential list of dummy frames that use the internal Decorate-style defined states of this actor for framedelta compatibility. It's not required unless the intention is to make the Decorate states of this weapon accessible from other weapon info. Default games' (Doom, Heretic) weapon info use externalized frames for all weapon info, for compatibility.
  • states
See DECORATE state syntax
Default = nothing
Defines frames using DECORATE-style state definitions. This means it won't be necessary to define separate frame blocks for each individual frame. See the DECORATE reference at the ZDoom wiki for documentation on its syntax. Using the states field instead of any of the ones below results in more concise text, but also the newly created frames won't be accessible from outside (other weaponinfo, Dehacked patches or delta structures), unless you use the firstdecoratestate field as well. Like normally, codepointers may or may not be preceded by A_. The DECORATE code has to be implemented via a heredoc: a text string that spans on multiple lines. Unlike a regular string which uses quotation marks, the heredoc is marked by @" and "@ respectively. Example on an shotgun-like weapon (the '=' sign is optional):
states =
     SHTG A 1 A_WeaponReady
     SHTG A 1 A_Lower
     SHTG A 1 A_Raise
     SHTG A 3
     SHTG A 7 A_FireShotgun
     SHTG BC 5
     SHTG D 4
     SHTG CB 5
     SHTG A 3
     SHTG A 7 A_ReFire
     goto Ready
     SHTF A 4 Bright A_Light1
     SHTF B 3 Bright A_Light2
     goto LightDone
  • upstate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame which a weapon starts in when it is raised.If the object is supposed to have any dynamic purpose or be visible, do not leave the upstate at S_NULL.
  • downstate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame which a weapon starts in when it is being lowered. If the object is supposed to have any dynamic purpose or be visible, do not leave the downstate at S_NULL.
  • readystate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame which a weapon starts in when it is ready to be fired. If the object is supposed to have any dynamic purpose or be visible, do not leave the readystate at S_NULL.
  • attackstate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame which a weapon goes to if the user tries to perform a primary attack. Though not necessary, it is suggested for weapons to have an attackstate for primary firing purposes.
  • flashstate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame which a weapon jumps to if a codepointer causes a weapon to flash.
  • holdstate
Default = S_NULL
Sets the frame jumped to by A_ReFire if the player is still holding the primary attack button.
  • attackstate2, flashstate2, holdstate2
Default = S_NULL
The equivalent of attackstate, flashstate, and holdstate, but for alternate fire.

Selection Order and Cycles

  • selectionorder
Default = -1
Sets the priority for selection of the weapon. The lower the number, the higher its priority.
  • nextincycle
Default = ""
Sets the weapon moved to when the player inputs the "next weapon" command.
  • previncycle
Default = ""
Sets the weapon moved to when the player inputs the "previous weapon" command.


  • flags
Default = ""
This field controls a number of weapon info properties using bit flags, where each bit in the field stands for some effect, and has the value of being either on or off. See the Weapon info flags List, for the values which can be used in this field. Remember that if whitespace or disallowed characters are used, this field's value must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • addflags
Default = ""
This field specifies a combined list of flags to be added to the weapon's existing flags values (this works the same as the cflags field above). Flags in this list are "turned on" in the weapon. If flags are listed here which are already "on," there is no effect on those flags. This field is most useful within weapondelta sections and in concert with weapon info inheritance.
  • remflags
Default = ""
This field specifies a combined list of flags to be subtracted from the weapon's existing flags values (this works the same as the cflags field above). Flags in this list are "turned off" in the weapon, as if they had never been listed. If flags are listed here which are not already "on," there is no effect on those flags. This field is most useful within weapondelta sections and in concert with weapon info inheritance. This field will be applied AFTER the addflags field is applied, so it could potentially turn off flags turned on by that field.