Teleport linedef types

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A teleporter is a linedef that when crossed or switched makes the player or monster appear elsewhere in the level. There are only regular and extended teleporters, no generalized teleporters exist (yet). Teleporters are the only direction sensitive walkover triggers in DOOM (to allow them to be exited without teleporting again). They must be crossed from the first sidedef side in order to work.

The place that the player or monster appears is set in one of two ways. The more common is by a teleport thing in the sector tagged to the teleport line. The newer completely player preserving line-line silent teleport makes the player appear relative to the exit line (identified by having the same tag as the entry line) with the same orientation, position, momentum and height that they had relative to the entry line just before teleportation. A special kind of line-line teleporter is also provided that reverses the player's orientation by 180 degrees.

In the case of several lines tagged the same as the teleport line, or several sectors tagged the same, or several teleport things in the tagged sector, in all cases the lowest numbered one is used.

In DOOM crossing a W1 teleport line in the wrong direction used it up, and it was never activatable. In BOOM this is not the case, it does not teleport but remains active until next crossed in the right direction.

If the exit of a teleporter is blocked a monster (or anything besides a player) will not teleport thru it. However if the exit of teleporter is blocked a player will, including into a down crusher, a monster, or another player. In the latter two cases the monster/player occupying the spot dies messily, and this is called a telefrag.

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Teleport Varieties

A teleporter can be walkover or switched, and retriggerable or not.

A teleporter can have destination set by a teleport thing in the tagged sector, or by a line tagged the same as the teleport line. These are called thing teleporters and line teleporters resp.

A teleporter can preserve orientation or set orientation from the position, height, and angle of the teleport thing. Note a thing destination teleporter always sets position, though it may preserve orientation otherwise.

A teleporter can produce green fog and a whoosh noise, or it can be silent, in which case it does neither.

A teleporter can transport monsters only, or both players and monsters.

Teleport Linedef types

Regular and Extended Teleport types
#     Class  Trig  Silent Mon Plyr Orient    Dest

195   Ext    SR    No     Yes Yes  Set       TP thing in tagged sector
174   Ext    S1    No     Yes Yes  Set       TP thing in tagged sector
97    Reg    WR    No     Yes Yes  Set       TP thing in tagged sector
39    Reg    W1    No     Yes Yes  Set       TP thing in tagged sector

126   Reg    WR    No     Yes No   Set       TP thing in tagged sector
125   Reg    W1    No     Yes No   Set       TP thing in tagged sector
269   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes No   Set       TP thing in tagged sector
268   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes No   Set       TP thing in tagged sector

210   Ext    SR    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  TP thing in tagged sector
209   Ext    S1    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  TP thing in tagged sector
208   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  TP thing in tagged sector
207   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  TP thing in tagged sector

244   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  Line with same tag
243   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  Line with same tag
263   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  Line with same tag (reversed)
262   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes Yes  Preserve  Line with same tag (reversed)

267   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes No   Preserve  Line with same tag 
266   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes No   Preserve  Line with same tag 
265   Ext    WR    Yes    Yes No   Preserve  Line with same tag (reversed) 
264   Ext    W1    Yes    Yes No   Preserve  Line with same tag (reversed)