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=== Game functions ===
Hey, good to find soomene who agrees with me. GMTA.
=== Mapthings ===
=== Mapthings ===

Revision as of 11:54, 4 July 2011

Deprecated: Small is deprecated because its bytecode is not portable to 64-bit architecture! Support for Small will possibly be removed in future versions of Eternity, and should not be expected to be available on any 64-bit binary build.

Small is a scripting language created by ITB CompuPhase; it uses a C-like syntax and is Eternity's main scripting language, replacing the Fragglescript of earlier versions. To be used in Eternity, the script files must first be compiled using the sc executable. Script files usually have the extension .sma, but files of any extension can be compiled. Assuming the script has no errors, the compiler should output an .amx file, which can be loaded into a WAD for use with Eternity.

Script types

There are two types of script: gamescript and levelscript. Gamescripts work over a whole gaming session, while levelscripts only work on maps which have specified that script in their level info. To use a script file as a gamescript, the compiled script file should be loaded into a WAD and given the lump name GAMESCR. These gamescript files will work over every level.

Levelscripts are loaded using a different method. To specify a script for use in a single map, levelscript=MYSCRIPT should be added to the map's MapInfo. Here, MYSCRIPT should be replaced with your script's lump name, which can be anything.

Triggering scripts

There are many ways to start a script. They can be triggered by a linedef, the start of a map, or a codepointer specified on a Thing.

Triggering via linedef

The most common way is to start a script when a linedef is triggered. To do this, first give the linedef you want to trigger the script a Start script action (linedef actions 273-280) and a unique tag number. For example, if we want our script to start when the player walks over a linedef, use linedef action 280 and give the linedef a tag of 1. The script would then look like this:

  public Script1()
     _Printf( _MSG_NORMAL, "Hello World");

Note that the Script## number is the same as the linedef's tag. Compile your script and set up the wad as explained above. Assuming all things have been set up properly, when you walk over that linedef, it will output "Hello World" to the screen.

Triggering on map start

Another way of starting a script is using the OnInit() function.

  public OnInit()
     _Printf( _MSG_NORMAL, "Hello World");

This script will output "Hello World" when the map starts up. This could be useful for starting a series of callbacks for animating HUD sprites or raising/lowering sectors.

Triggering by Thing codepointer

The final way is to use the StartScript codepointer on a Thing's frame. The StartScript codepointer uses the first two args to decide the script number to execute and the script type (whether it is levelscript or gamescript). For example, the EDF file to do this is:

     name = S_TROO_DIE1    // Frame we want to start the script on
     action = StartScript  // The startscript codepointer
     args = {1,0}          // Codepointer's arguments, starts script 1 and sets the type to game (0)

Load the EDF with your map and script, and whenever you kill an imp (therefore going onto the frame S_TROO_DIE1, it will run script 1, outputting "Hello World". As this script is a gamescript, it will do this on every map.


Core Small functions

Invocation Functions


Fixed-point math library

Random number generators

Heads-up display

Hey, good to find soomene who agrees with me. GMTA.





Parameterized line specials

Kudos! What a neat way of thikning about it.

Special Functions