EMAPINFO: Difference between revisions

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(Added new MapInfo variable, acsopendelay.)
(Fixed small semantic error.)
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==MapInfo Variables==
==MapInfo Variables==
:Boolean value that determines whether or not scripts can be called within the first 35 tics after entering the map
:Boolean value that determines whether or not scripts' execution within the first 35 tics after entering the map is delayed until 35 tics have passed.
           acsopendelay = true
           acsopendelay = true

Revision as of 20:40, 16 February 2016

MapInfo serves as a method of customizing some aesthetic properties of a map which would otherwise be unchangeable, as well as adding the ability to use some Eternity-specific features. Eternity's MapInfo is stored in the EMAPINFO text lump.

Back to Eternity Engine
  • This section incorporates text from the HTML Eternity documentation.


MapInfo data is stored in the global EMAPINFO lump, which is a plain-text lump containing information for all maps together. Variables for each level must be placed under a section header that has the same name as the map's header lump.


  • Each map definition begins with a block header. This consists of the map's lump name in brackets, such as [MAP01], [E1M1], or [MYLEVEL].
  • Variables are specified in the lines following the block header.
  • All values are treated as text strings, and quotation marks are not required.
  • Comments may start with '#', ';', or '//'. All three comments are single line only, and extend to the end of the line.
  • An optional equal sign can be placed between a variable and the value it is given. It is not an error to omit it.

MapInfo Variables


Boolean value that determines whether or not scripts' execution within the first 35 tics after entering the map is delayed until 35 tics have passed.
         acsopendelay = true


Name of the lump containing the compiled ACS script for this map.
         acsscript = SCRIPT01


Name of a texture to display instead of the normal sky texture during a lightning strike. This value is only used if lightning is enabled for this level. If this value is not provided, no sky animation will occur during lightning strikes. For example:
altskyname = LBOLTSKY


A flags field that specifies what formerly level-specific boss "magic codepointer" actions are enabled for this level. This field takes a value in the same format as that used by EDF, DeHackEd/BEX, and ExtraData flag fields, but the format will be reviewed here for completeness.

A BEX flag list is a string of flag names separated by whitespace, pipe characters, commas, or plus characters. Flags are combined using bitwise-OR logic, so a flag name can be specified more than once. Specifying a flag name causes that flag to be turned on. The default state of all flags is off.

These are the flag values which are available for this field:

         Flag name  Decimal  Hex     Meaning
         MAP07_1    1        0x0001  MAP07 Special 1 (BossDeath only)
         MAP07_2    2        0x0002  MAP07 Special 2 (BossDeath only)
         E1M8       4        0x0004  E1M8 Special
         E2M8       8        0x0008  E2M8 Special
         E3M8       16       0x0010  E3M8 Special
         E4M6       32       0x0020  E4M6 Special (BossDeath only)
         E4M8       64       0x0040  E4M8 Special
         E5M8       128      0x0080  E5M8 Special (HticBossDeath Only)

Notes: Actions differ depending on whether monsters use the BossDeath or HticBossDeath codepointers. See the documentation for those specific codepointers to see what actions they perform. The monsters which must be dead for a given special to activate are controlled by various EDF/BEX thingtype flags. Together, these features allow complete customization.

Example flags fields -- All of these are equivalent:

         boss-specials = MAP07_1|MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_1 | MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_1+MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_2 + MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_1,MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_1, MAP07_2
         boss-specials = MAP07_1 MAP07_2


Name of a colormap lump to use as the global colormap for this level. This colormap is applied to any sectors which do not have their own colormaps specified either via use of 242 height transfer linedefs or scripting. This lump must be between C_START and C_END tags. For example:
     colormap = FOGMAP


The level author's name, which can be viewed in the console using the "creator" console command. If this value is not provided, the default value is "unknown". For example:
     creator = Edwin Chadwick 'chadders'


Boolean value that determines whether or not this map uses double skies. When double skies are enabled, any F_SKY1 or F_SKY2 sectors *not* affected by MBF sky transfer lines will use both the primary and secondary sky textures together. The secondary texture will be drawn first, normally, then the primary texture will be drawn over it, omitting any pixels which use palette index zero (this is usually pure black). Any MapInfo sky delta values provided will be applied to their respective textures. For example:
     doublesky = true


Boolean value which, if true, enables the use of EDF-defined intermission map name strings which will be drawn using the FONTB graphics (provided in eternity.wad for DOOM/DOOM II, and natively supported by Heretic). This feature is meant to obsolete the levelpic variable and to remove the need for authors to create title graphics for their maps in DOOM/DOOM II. It also allows intermission map name replacement to work correctly for the next level and for Heretic without any hacks.

The EDF string which will be used as the intermission name for the current map should have the mnemonic _IN_NAME_<mapname>, where <mapname> is the exact name of the map's header lump (Example: _IN_NAME_MAP01). In order for the name of the next map to display correctly, the current level must either define its nextlevel/nextsecret values explicitly, or it must be an ExMy or MAPxy level. For example:

     edf-intername = true


Boolean value which, if true, causes a DOOM II cast call to occur when this map is exited. This value is currently only usable in DOOM II. A level must also have intermission text defined for a cast call to take place. For example:
     endofgame = true


Name of the ExtraData script lump for this map. See the ExtraData Reference for full information on ExtraData. There are no naming restrictions on ExtraData script lumps. For example:
     extradata = EXTRDT01


Boolean value which, if true, indicates that a text intermission should only occur after this map if a secret exit was taken. If no intermission text is defined for this map, this variable has no effect. For example:
     finale-secret = true


Specifies which finale image sequence to use. Possible values are:
  • text
  • doom_credits
  • doom_deimos
  • doom_bunny
  • doom_marine
  • htic_credits
  • htic_water
  • htic_demon


Boolean value that determines whether fullbright can be used on this level. When fullbright is disabled, player gun flashes will not occur, and fullbright sprites and particles will be drawn normally. This should be used with most custom colormaps, since flashes and fullbright sprites usually look incorrect with them. For example:
     fullbright = false


Global gravity factor for the current level. The default gravity value is 65536. For example:
         # Enable 50% gravity
         gravity = 32768


Name of a 64x64 flat OR a 320x200 graphic lump to be displayed as the background of a text intermission which occurs after this map. The flat namespace will be searched first, so if both a flat and a 320x200 picture of the same name exist, the flat will be chosen. For example:
     inter-backdrop = FLATHUH1


Name of a MUS or MIDI lump to use as music during a text intermission which occurs after this map. If no intertext is defined for the map, this value will not be used. In DOOM gamemodes, the string provided should be the lump name minus the "D_" prefix. In Heretic, the string provided should be the lump name minus the "MUS_" prefix. You are *not* limited to using only the built-in music lump names; Eternity automatically adds any new lump which matches the naming convention for the current gamemode to the internal music list. For example:
     intermusic = ROMERO


Name of a 320x200 graphic lump to be displayed as the background of the statistics intermission. This value is currently only used for DOOM II and Ultimate DOOM episode 4 maps. For example:

interpic = BOSSBACK


Lump name of a text lump to be loaded as intermission text for this level. If the level has an intermission by default, this will replace the default intermission text, even if it has been edited via DeHackEd. If there is not normally a text intermission after this map, the presence of this variable serves to enable it. If no intertext is defined, a text intermission will not occur after a map. The formatting of the text inside the indicated lump will be preserved exactly, with the exception of tabs, which are converted to spaces. There is no length limitation, but only one screen of text can be displayed. Any extra text will be drawn off the bottom of the screen. For example:
     intertext = MAP04TXT


Boolean value that allows built-in text intermission points to be disabled. For example, if you do not want text to appear after DOOM II MAP11, set this variable to true. For example:
     killfinale = true


Boolean value that allows the statistics intermission between two maps to be disabled. If the map has a finale sequence to be displayed, it will start immediately, otherwise the next map will be loaded. For example:
     killstats = true


This is the name of the level which will be displayed in the automap. This value overrides any string provided via DeHackEd. For example:
     levelname = chadders' lair


This is the name of a graphic lump which will be shown as the level name during the statistics intermission when this map is the previous map which was just beaten. Note: you cannot currently specify the graphic to be shown for the next map. This is a known bug in MapInfo and may not be repaired due to the new edf-intername feature. This value is only used for DOOM and DOOM II maps. For example:
     levelpic = E1M1PIC


Same as levelpic, but only if the normal exit was taken.


Same as levelpic, but only if the secret exit was taken.


Name of a compiled (deprecated) Small script lump which will serve as the Levelscript for this map. NOTE: use acsscript for compiled ACS scripts.


Boolean value that toggles the global lightning effect. When set to true, all sky sectors on the map will flash at randomly determined intervals along with a thunder sound and optional animation of the normal sky texture. Warning: sectors must currently have a sky ceiling at the beginning of the level in order to be affected by lightning. The only current method to make non-sky sectors flash during lightning strikes is via use of BOOM lighting transfer linedefs. This may be improved in the near future. For example:
     lightning = true


Provides the name of a MUS or MIDI lump to use as music. In DOOM gamemodes, the string provided should be the lump name minus the "D_" prefix. In Heretic, the string provided should be the lump name minus the "MUS_" prefix. You are *not* limited to using only the built-in music lump names; Eternity automatically adds any new lump which matches the naming convention for the current gamemode to the internal music list. For example:
     music = cheese


The exact header name of the next level to go to when a normal exit occurs on this map. This can specify *any* lump name, but the lump should be a valid level header or an error will occur. For example:
     nextlevel = CHAD2


The exact header name of the next level to go to when a secret exit occurs on this map. This can specify *any* lump name, but the lump should be a valid level header or an error will occur. Note that except for maps which normally have secret exits, the default behavior is to repeat the same level. This MapInfo value allows you to avoid that and use a secret exit on any map. For example:
     nextsecret = MAP34


Partime for the map in seconds. This value overrides any value provided via DeHackEd. Note that partimes are only supported in episodes 1-3 of DOOM and any map of DOOM II. Ultimate DOOM episode 4, Heretic, and non-standard maps currently never display par times. For example:
     partime = 200


Pixels per gametic that the primary sky texture should scroll. This effect will only be applied to double skies and to F_SKY1 sectors which are NOT affected by any MBF sky transfer linedefs. For example:
     skydelta = 5


Pixels per gametic that the secondary sky texture should scroll. This effect will only be applied to double skies and to F_SKY2 sectors (which cannot be affected by MBF sky transfer linedefs). For example:
     sky2delta = 7


Name of a texture to use as the primary sky for this map. This sky will appear in all sectors which use the F_SKY1 flat, and it will also appear as the top layer of Hexen-style double skies. The name provided for this lump must be a valid texture or an error will occur. For example:
     skyname = SKY2


Name of a texture to use as the secondary sky for this map. This sky will appear in all sectors which use the F_SKY2 flat, and it will also appear as the bottom layer of Hexen- style double skies. The name provided for this lump must be a valid texture or an error will occur. If no name is provided for the secondary sky, the primary sky name will be copied to it, so it is not an error to use F_SKY2 or double skies in a level where the sky2 texture is not explicitly defined. For example:
     sky2name = SKY4


Boolean value that determines whether walls parallel to the x and y axes of the game world are given lighting values 1 level higher or lower than other walls. This can dramatically affect the perceived light level of an area, so only use it for maps that are designed specifically for it. Maps which use custom global colormaps should usually set this value to false, since it only generally looks appropriate with the normal colormap. For example:
     unevenlight = false


There are several sound-* commands which can be used to replace the default sounds in a map with sounds, using their mnemonics defined in EDF.

EDF mnemonic of a sound to replace the default "swtchn" sound for this map.

Sounds available for replacement:


Examples of use:

sound-swtchx = newswtch
sound-doropn = dorcreak

Examples of MapInfo Definitions

A basic MapInfo lump may be similar to this:

   levelname = Evil Hell Lab
   creator = DooMGuy667
   levelname = Not Hangar
   creator = Not Romero
   skyname = SKY3
   skydelta = 1

The first example would change the automap and intermission screen names for MAP01 to "Evil Hell Lab" and when the creator command is used in the console, output "DooMGuy667". The name in the braces is the map the MapInfo applies to, so by changing [MAP01] to [MAP02], the changes would apply to MAP02 instead.

The second example also sets a name and creator for the map (for the E1M1 mapslot, in this case), and also specifies that it will use SKY3 and scroll the sky slowly, using the skydelta variable.