Detailed generalized linedef specification

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BOOM has added generalized linedef types that permit the parameters of linedef actions to be nearly independently chosen. They work as half-way between regular/Boom extended linedef types and Eternity parameterized types. Unlike the latter, they are meant to be called directly from Doom format maps, without requiring ExtraData or a more advanced map format, but unlike them, they can only be given a few set values, which in some cases may be insufficient.

Back to Linedef types
== Generalized Linedef Ranges =======================================

There are types for Floors, Ceilings, Doors, Locked Doors, Lifts,
Stairs, and Crushers. The allocation of linedef type field numbers is 
according to the following table:

Type            Start      Length   (Dec)
Floors          0x6000     0x2000  (8192)
Ceilings        0x4000     0x2000  (8192)
Doors           0x3c00     0x0400  (1024)
Locked Doors    0x3800     0x0400  (1024)
Lifts           0x3400     0x0400  (1024)
Stairs          0x3000     0x0400  (1024)
Crushers        0x2F80     0x0080   (128)
Totals:  0x2f80-0x7fff     0x5080  (20608)


The following sections define the placement and meaning of the bit fields within each linedef category. Fields in the description are listed in increasing numeric order.

Some nomenclature:

Target height designations:

H means highest, L means lowest, N means next, F means floor, C means ceiling, n means neighbor, Cr means crush, sT means shortest lower texture.

Texture change designations:

c0n change texture, change sector type to 0, numeric model change
c0t change texture, change sector type to 0, trigger model change
cTn change texture only, numeric model change
cTt change texture only, trigger model change
cSn change texture and sector type to model's, numeric model change
cSt change texture and sector type to model's, trigger model change

A trigger model change uses the sector on the first side of the trigger for its model. A numeric model change looks at the sectors adjoining the tagged sector at the target height, and chooses the one across the lowest numbered two sided line for its model. If no model exists, no change occurs. Note that in DOOM II v1.9, no model meant an illegal sector type was generated.

generalized floors (8192 types)

field   description                       NBits   Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3     0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2     0x0018      3
model   trig/numeric -or- nomonst/monst    1     0x0020      5
direct  down/up                            1     0x0040      6
target  HnF/LnF/NnF/LnC/C/sT/24/32         3     0x0380      7
change  nochg/zero/txtonly/type            2     0x0c00      10
crush   no/yes                             1     0x1000      12

DETH Nomenclature:

W1[m] F->HnF DnS [c0t] [Cr]
WR[m] F->LnF DnN [c0n] 
S1[m] F->NnF DnF [cTt]  
SR[m] F->LnC DnT [cTn]          
G1[m] F->C   UpS [cSt]          
GR[m] FbysT  UpN [cSn]          
D1[m] Fby24  UpF                        
DR[m] Fby32  UpT                        

1) When change is nochg, model is 1 when monsters can activate trigger
   otherwise monsters cannot activate it.
2) The change fields mean the following:
   nochg   - means no texture change or type change
   zero    - means sector type is zeroed, texture copied from model
   txtonly - means sector type unchanged, texture copied from model
   type    - means sector type and floor texture are copied from model
3) down/up specifies the "normal" direction for moving. If the
   target specifies motion in the opposite direction, motion is instant.
   Otherwise it occurs at speed specified by speed field.
4) Speed is 1/2/4/8 units per tic
5) If change is nonzero then model determines which sector is copied.
   If model is 0 its the sector on the first side of the trigger.
   if model is 1 (numeric) then the model sector is the sector at
   destination height on the opposite side of the lowest numbered
   two sided linedef around the tagged sector. If it doesn't exist
   no change occurs.
generalized ceilings (8192 types)

field   description                        NBits   Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR             3     0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo              2     0x0018      3
model   trig/numeric -or- nomonst/monst     1     0x0020      5
direct  down/up                             1     0x0040      6
target  HnC/LnC/NnC/HnF/F/sT/24/32          3     0x0380      7
change  nochg/zero/txtonly/type             2     0x0c00      10
crush   no/yes                              1     0x1000      12

DETH Nomenclature:

W1[m] C->HnC DnS [Cr] [c0t] 
WR[m] C->LnC DnN      [c0n] 
S1[m] C->NnC DnF      [cTt] 
SR[m] C->HnF DnT      [cTn]     
G1[m] C->F   UpS      [cSt]     
GR[m] CbysT  UpN      [cSn]     
D1[m] Cby24  UpF                        
DR[m] Cby32  UpT                        


1) When change is nochg, model is 1 when monsters can activate trigger
   otherwise monsters cannot activate it.
2) The change fields mean the following:
   nochg   - means no texture change or type change
   zero    - means sector type is zeroed, texture copied from model
   txtonly - means sector type unchanged, texture copied from model
   type    - means sector type and ceiling texture are copied from model
3) down/up specifies the "normal" direction for moving. If the
   target specifies motion in the opposite direction, motion is instant.
   Otherwise it occurs at speed specified by speed field.
4) Speed is 1/2/4/8 units per tic
5) If change is nonzero then model determines which sector is copied.
   If model is 0 its the sector on the first side of the trigger.
   if model is 1 (numeric) then the model sector is the sector at
   destination height on the opposite side of the lowest numbered
   two sided linedef around the tagged sector. If it doesn't exist
   no change occurs.

generalized doors (1024 types)

field   description                       NBits    Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3      0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2      0x0018      3
kind    odc/o/cdo/c                        2      0x0060      5
monster n/y                                1      0x0080      7
delay   1/4/9/30 (secs)                    2      0x0300      8

DETH Nomenclature:

W1[m] OpnD{1|4|9|30}Cls S
WR[m] Opn               N
S1[m] ClsD{1|4|9|30}Opn F
SR[m] Cls               T


1) The odc (Open, Delay, Close) and cdo (Close, Delay, Open) kinds use
   the delay field. The o (Open and Stay) and c (Close and Stay) kinds 
   do not.
2) The precise delay timings in gametics are: 35/150/300/1050
3) Speed is 2/4/8/16 units per tic

generalized locked doors (1024 types)

field   description                       NBits    Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3      0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2      0x0018      3
kind    odc/o                              1      0x0020      5
lock    any/rc/bc/yc/rs/bs/ys/all          3      0x01c0      6
sk=ck   n/y                                1      0x0200      9

DETH Nomenclature:

W1[m] OpnD{1|4|9|30}Cls S Any
WR[m] Opn               N R{C|S|K}
S1[m]                   F B{C|S|K}
SR[m]                   T Y{C|S|K}
G1[m]                     All{3|6}


1) Delay for odc kind is constant at 150 gametics or about 4.333 secs
2) The lock field allows any key to open a door, or a specific key to
   open a door, or all keys to open a door.
3) If the sk=ck field is 0 (n) skull and cards are different keys,
   otherwise they are treated identically. Hence an "all" type door
   requires 3 keys if sk=ck is 1, and 6 keys if sk=ck is 0.
4) Speed is 2/4/8/16 units per tic 

generalized lifts (1024 types) 

field   description                       NBits    Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3      0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2      0x0018      3
monster n/y                                1      0x0020      5
delay   1/3/5/10 (secs)                    2      0x00c0      6
target  LnF/NnF/LnC/LnF<->HnF(perp.)       2      0x0300      8 

DETH Nomenclature: 

W1[m] Lft  F->LnFD{1|3|5|10}    S
WR[m]      F->NnFD{1|3|5|10}    N
S1[m]      F->LnCD{1|3|5|10}    F
SR[m]      HnF<->LnFD{1|3|5|10} T


1) The precise delay timings in gametics are: 35/105/165/350
2) Speed is 1/2/4/8 units per tic
3) If the target specified is above starting floor height, or does not
   exist the lift does not move when triggered. NnF is Next Lowest
   Neighbor Floor.
4) Starting a perpetual lift between lowest and highest neighboring floors
   locks out all other actions on the sector, even if it is stopped with
   the non-extended stop perpetual floor function.

generalized stairs (1024 types) 

field   description                       NBits    Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3      0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2      0x0018      3
monster n/y                                1      0x0020      5
step    4/8/16/24                          2      0x00c0      6
dir     dn/up                              1      0x0100      8
igntxt  n/y                                1      0x0200      9

DETH Nomenclature:

W1[m] Stair Dn s4  S [Ign]
WR[m]       Up s8  N
S1[m]          s16 F
SR[m]          s24 T


1) Speed is .25/.5/2/4 units per tic
2) If igntxt is 1, then the staircase will not stop building when
   a step does not have the same texture as the previous.
3) A retriggerable stairs builds up and down alternately on each

generalized crushers (128 types) 

field   description                       NBits    Mask     Shift

trigger W1/WR/S1/SR/G1/GR/D1/DR            3      0x0007      0
speed   slow/normal/fast/turbo             2      0x0018      3
monster n/y                                1      0x0020      5
silent  n/y                                1      0x0040      6

DETH Nomenclature: 

W1[m] Crusher S [Silent]
WR[m]         N
S1[m]         F
SR[m]         T


1) Speed is 1/2/4/8 units per second, faster means slower damage as usual.
2) If silent is 1, the crusher is totally quiet, no start/stop sounds